
Ramadan Section: Why is this?

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Whenever a Muslim expresses an objective opinion on teachings of another religion, you get called an extremist. Theres some good and bad things I can mention about all religions, why when I mention them am a ignorant and intollerant. Am I supposed to supress my own ideas just because they are not always pro- something.

Just wondering. Is it okay to have a positive or negative honest opinion of something without becoming an extreme Muslim?




  1. i agree with u sis.

  2. "Can you extremists respect others religion.

    Stop bashing others if you disagree with them it is getting really annoying and also destroying Islams reputation as a peaceful and tolerant religion"

    LOL I still don't know what she means as she has not defined what the word and what acts we are doing to be called extremists

  3. like someone else says it's a/b maturity and remember we shouldn't debate others especially if we have limited knowledge on some matters. the bottom line if someone is intolerant they will stay that way no matter what you say. i try my best to respectful of others and have apologized on occasion when i've found myself being offensive to others. you have to realize that b/c some who call themselves muslims have in fact made it hard for true muslims to exist in harmony and respectfully w/ one another. it doesn't help that not only the media but many world wide govts. mainly the US and Britain have labled us all as terrorists and it doesn't really matter one one or another to them or people individually if it's farther from the truth but they are the main one who call muslims intolerant and then spew much hatred simply b/c we are muslim. plus we have to learn to ignore certain posters and questions that are designed simply for making trouble. it's funny how we're always the problems. and yes a person knows and understands his/her own faith or non faith better than anyone who doesn't follw that ideology unless you've left your original religion for a different one then most likely you can see it from both points of view.

  4. lolz.......

    thats my case...I call every one an ignorant person who calls Muslims as negative tempered people and Islam as a teaching of suicide bombing religion.

    But that is, I respect every one's opinions without any objection of negativity or positivity as long as they don't get to my religion.

    Isn't it ignorant to call Islam the religion that teaches destruction and killing of people?

    and to fear Muslims for some terrorists?





  6. lol... the modern people call the quran hadith people extremists.

    we call the bombing crazy people extremists.

    they call us chickens.

    its levels, thats how it really is :P

  7. Yes, many choose argument instead of discussion. The wise discuss while the ignorants argue.

  8. most likely the people who say this would say it irregardless of how polite you try to be.  They want to put you in a box based on their own stereotypes and ignorance.  And then there are people who are not interested in intelligent conversation because they want to convince you that you are wrong only and they are right.  

  9. Because they envy us soo much and deny the the truth which we hold precious so much that their hearts is filled with hatred which can grow so immense that they themselves become the extremists...and the tables turn.

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