
Ramadan: What do you think of these presidents?

by Guest61683  |  earlier

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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan?

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz?

Hamid Karzai?

Muhammad Hosni Mubarak?

I love the first two and hate the last two. The guy in the middle is okay, but is definitely starting to lean on the crappy side. The first two sure as heck know/knew how to run their countries and do what's best for their people. I respect them the most, and Venezuela's president Hugo Chaves as well, and I'm a fan of Fidel Castro in some aspects. The last two don't give a rats tail about their people and are total kiss ups. The Saudi president is on his way there, but he did make oil cheaper than water. It costs about 50-70 American cents per gallon over there. Oh yeah, and Bush, is by far the worst. He's reaching negative infinity out of ten as we speak.




  1. Rumathia I am surprised you like the Iranian president. Didn't he threaten to wipe Israel of the map? In my opinions nearly all presidents around the world are evil and corrupt.

  2. Ahmadi Nijad; brave and Daring

    Sultan Al Nahyan; Cnt say anything as he is dead but was a good man.

    Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz: One of my favorite personality.

    Hamid Karzai: He hate Pakistan, Though I hate him.

    Muhammad Hosni Mubarak; just fine.

    ( to those who dont like Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, there is no reason to dislike him. He is a complete nobel king,

    I love him. )

  3. Ahmadinejad:

    PROS: Courageous, truthful, May Allah guide him....

    CONS: Not very diplomatic


    Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan:

    PROS: Generous, genuine, truthful, troubled by the suffering of Iraqi civilians, he took the lead in calling for lifting sanctions on Iraq imposed by the United Nations in the aftermath of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, despite Kuwaiti displeasure and opposition.

    CONS: Numerous allegations, especially concerning bribery/ corruptio, massive wealth source unclear....


    Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Aal Saoud:

    PROS: Good man, big heart, generous, Religious, does very much for the islamic cause(as much as Fahd did), Brought some much awaited reforms

    CONS: Relies too much on US, Befriends hypocrites like Bush, Blair ,etc etc etc.... Could have brought more reforms, coward, could have done much more for the palestinian cause....


    Hamid Karzai:

    PROS: -

    CONS: American puppet, a pawn



    PROS: -

    CONS: US agent, hypocrite, bad president, poor judgement, materialistic



  4. Best is Ahmadinejad

    Worst is Bush

    Need I say more =D

  5. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - like him

    Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - really like him

    Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz - no comment

    Hamid Karzai - american puppet

    Muhammad Hosni Mubarak - american puupet, b*****d, dictator, criminal

  6. The first ones insane.

    The second ones okay.

    I hate the rest. theyre all puppets to the US or Israeli govt.

    I absolutely despise Hamid Karzai, he is a slave to the US and he doesnt care about his people or his country and he is an embarrasment for all Afghans!! HE is a puppet. He supports extremism, not modernization. He is a former taliban and a  tribal warlord who supports the taliban and warlords  who blow up girls schools because they dont believe in girls getting education. and he is the reason for so many poor afghan people suffering under extremism and poverty. Dont buy into western media.

  7. I hate Hosni and Abdullah one of them is a corrupt and the other is a cowardly extremist who supports extremist laws.

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is ok I have mixed feelings I like his brave stance and he is willing to attack Israel unlike other Muslim fanatics who just talks and in reality is afraid of Israel.

    The thing I dislike about him is he is hardline and extremist to some extent but my guess would be because of the

    Islamic system extremists in Iran put up.

    I like sheikh Zayad and Hamid one of them has really helped transform U.A.E into a modern Muslim nation while Hamid is a moderate man who is trying to fight extremism and terrorism in Afghanistan.

    I can't say the same about Castro though but I like Hugo chavez too he is brave and besides he is very charming and modern he doesn't look bad too lol

    Bush and Abdullah are the worst no wonder they are such good friends do you wonder why they always hold hands and kiss in public?

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