
Ramadan. Whole day long we see here Shia -Sunni clash and venom pouring out. Religion of peace?

by  |  earlier

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Do u not think the world finds this hypocritical and ridiculously comical?




  1. your right. we say islam is peace but some of the followers are showing otherwise. a muslim should take a look at his or herself before judging others.

  2. this is the sad truth, I hope we ALL can prove that islam IS a religion of peace and harmony

  3. even i know some muslims follow this and that i till love my sisters and brothers...

    we are one...

  4. Thank you. I couldnt agree more. Its so shameful to see muslims fighting even in the holiest month of Ramadan!. Have they forgotten, it was this holy month that made us who we are today, and instead of being grateful for that, we are going backwards and insulting or killing our own brothers and sisters, people of our own UMMAH!!!

    Its so shameful and embarrasing for the world.

    What would Rasulullah (SAWS) say???

  5. "And hold fast, all together, by the Rope which Allah (stretches out to you), and be NOT DIVIDED among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the Pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: that ye may be guided." [Qur'an 2: 103]

    people who clash do it as a result of their ignorance

  6. lol.....i wouldnt be surprised if the rest of the Muslims use this question to bash each i said before...i LOVE Islam, but i dislike most Muslims cause of their ways of judging, misunderstanding, and ways of thinking about other Muslims

    and ur right the rest of the world is laughing at us, we are giving them exactly what they want

  7. You would think people would stop too because its Ramdan, but no.

    Oh well, they will surely recieve the punishment they deserve.

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