
Ramadan.Why r there so many anti Muslim websites by X Muslims?

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With other faiths most people just turn atheists and live a quite life. X Muslims however are full of hate towards Islam. What turns them off so much?






  2. theyre all propaganda for the "war on terror" , and anyone who actually believes otherwise is an absolute FOOL

  3. Look at typical answers given by Muslims here and this is will explain what people feel about Islam.  There seem to be constantly in denial.

  4. Perhaps it's because they feel that Islam is a danger to people and other people don't feel that way about the religion they leave.  Look at the way Saudi treats it's women and the influence they are now having on Muslims living in Great Britain. Look at the stonings, honor killings, killing apostates, etc.  Even though Muslims say they are not following Islam, if the basis of it were not in Islam they would not be able to twist parts of it to fit their laws.  That does make it a danger to people and perhaps these ex-Muslims want to protect those that may be gullible enough to fall for things that do not belong in the religion.

  5. Immediate attention with assumed desperate disguise of  'yesterday's- ex-Muslim' reference to further be convincingly in gross distortion evident hate campaign of Anti-Islamisation!

    Gross misrepresention of facts and deliberate calculated deception to vilify and degrade!

    In cowardice of ignorance they boast to be knowledgeable of Islam!?

    Qur'ãn: "Indeed he takes upon himself the burden of calumny is manifest sin..."

  6. helooo, Islam does not repress women--those ex Muslim women are dishonest to the point of stupidness.

    wasn't it Islam that gave women rights, while the other religions gave female no rights over there men

    wasn't it Islam that brought equality among all of human race, whereas white supremacists say the bible show blacks are inferior and all non believers are not equal to them

    ignore all those sites, they are just government started propaganda to slander the religion of the one and only god, and the final messenger, the prophet Muhammad

    wasalam alakum

  7. umm, thats with every religion. u just don't notice others cuz ur muslim..

    i think its normal, but whatever there known which ones aren't muslims. so thats good

  8. well who ever has a problem with muslim people

    well they should know that history shows

    that for a while groups or religions have gone through

    hard time but they are still alive

    ex(jewish people)

    so if someone thinks by all these wars us muslims are

    going to get finished our decrease well keep on thinking

    bcuz tomorrow it can be you being criticized

    and inshallah we will be okay.

  9. Interesting question. If Islam can evoke so much hate in an ex- muslim . Its obviously caused them a lot of pain and grief.

  10. I doubt they're by ex-muslims. Christian evangelists have a tendency to pretend.

    If they really are ex-muslims, they were probably hadith'ites and justifiably felt very confused about their sect. They should have become quranists.

  11. most x muslims r women cuz they find islam very oppressive towards women n gives all power to guys, the others find faults in the prophet, so theyre disliking it turn to hate and they get pissed because others still believe in what they think is bull sh*t.  i suppose...

  12. In their hearts they really believe, but on the surface they want to astray.

    The situation is ignorance  to the point of lack of understanding.

    So then instead of just allowing themselves as such freedom so they say and stay away from Islamic duties.. yet still call themselves in association with Muslims... so if its ex or not y or z it really doesn't matter, they can waiver back and forth and those are those who will be judged.

  13. Because they think they're getting somewhere by attracting people through a website to come against us. Like the first answerer mentioned, it's with every religion. People are ignorant. It's life, and eventually they're going to be judged by their creator when time comes. When that happens, I'm sure they won't have the chance to tell Allah why its "good" to be an ex muslim.  

  14. because they have no knowledge what-so-ever about Qu'ran because believe it or not some foreigners dont know why they pray or anything they just do it because everybody around them, their family does step-dad didn't and he's Palestinian....most people over near umm....Iran i think.....and women over there are oppressed....some women because of the aggressive's just hate

  15. What makes us think that they really are in fact "ex-Muslims"?

    Because they say so?

    I wonder how much they are getting paid?

    EDIT: With all the thumbs down here, it seems we have attracted all those "ex-Muslims"! a snake in the grass! :)

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