
Ramadan sect...........?

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@muawiya , am not wahabi lol, but am not surprised since u shias consider every one who expose ur religion as a wahabi




  1. lmao, umm maybe they find ur avatar attractive :P jk jk to all the shia's. :)

  2. haha...thats neva gona happen but if it does its cause ur a lil kid

  3. Why do Shia love the Ramadan sect?

    Your avatar is disgusting btw - Just to let you know =)

    EDIT = It's not Rohan .. it's Roah... anyway I am Shia and that is why I said that it was purely disgusting.

    Ayato Satan = Are you a Muslim? Because you are replacing the word Allah with Satan.. tu tu tu....

    EDIT = Bad? What has that to do with anything?

    EDIT = Shut the h**l up man. Khomeini is 1092092 x better than you will ever be. How could you say that about him? What has he done to you? At least he didn't judge others and prayed, helped people and did so much for his country.

    EDIT = Are you a wahabi.. I am pretty sure you sound like one.. Hoe come Shias don't go around saying bull about wahabis being terrorists OR liking the prostitute Aisha?

    EDIT = Honey, I call her that because she was that. I am 15 neither do I want to practice Mutah or will I ever, so don't say YOU or I will say YOU as well. At least we have some limits on things concerning sexual behaviors and relations in our sect, unlike you who don't need Mutah or nothing, just rape women and cover it up.

    EDIT = So you are judging me and saying that I am not a Muslim..   haven't you heard of what God has said about judging people. You seem to do it all the time. Is it just part of your nature to do so? Allah told you not to discriminate anyone else didn't he? So If I say the truth I am considered a non-Muslim .. well great but let me tell you something.. if what you think is right, that means that about 3/4 of the world are not Muslims. I award you for your theory mate!

  4. Why do you continue to waste your time on these people?

    Let them continue to expose themselves and their evil 'Aqeedah and let the rest of the Sunnis who are ignorant of their deen see the filth of the Rawaafidh.

    Ibn Hajar al-Haythamee also metioned in his Majma’ az-Zawaa’id (2/10) with a good chain of narration that ‘Aasim bin Bahdalah said:

    قلت للحسن بن علي‏:‏ الشيعة يزعمون أن علياً يرجع‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ كذب أولئك الكذابون، لو علمنا ذلك ما تزوج نساؤه، ولا قسمنا ميراثه

    ((I said to ‘al-Hasan bin ‘Alee: “The Shee’ah claim that ‘Alee will return”, he said: “Those liars have lied. For if we had known that, his women would not have married and we would not have divided his inheritence))

    Imaam Aboo Bakr al-Khallaal mentioned in his Sunnah (2/557) from Abee Bakr al-Maaroodhee who reported that Maalik bin Anas said:

    الذي يشتم أصحاب النبي  Ã˜ÂµÃ™Â„ى الله عليه وسلم  Ã™Â„يس لهم سهم أو قال نصيب في الإسلام

    ((The one who reviles the Companions of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) does not have any share or portion in Islaam))

    Ibn Battah reported in his al-Ibaanah (Number 200) that al-Marwazee said that he asked Aboo ‘Abdillaah Ahmad bin Hanbal about the one who reviles Aboo Bakr and ‘Umar and ‘Uthmaan and ‘Aa’ishah (رضي الله عنهم) and he said:

    مَا أَرَاهُ عَلَى اَلْإِسْلَامِ

    ((I do not see them upon Islaam))

  5. I love you so much I blocked you.

  6. lol long time no see man

    those shiits invaded Ramadan section and insulted Islam many times

    and i'm trying to be patient this time for real.

    lol you see the user below me is one of the pigs and guess who is he he has another account which he showing him self as good person lol soon there will be a question exposing him with an evidence ; )  matter of time every thing is ready i saved his answers and matched them.

    btw the pig below me is insulting the great sahabi Muawiyah(ra)   and the pig said yazid who killed Hussain tell him to bring us an evidence for his claim if he can  lol!

    btw for the first answer Khomeini is SHIA = Not Muslim

    for all Muslims read what Ayatoshaitan khomeini said

    Their khomaini said :


    "The Islamic and non-Islamic powers of the world will not admit our power till such time that we establish our hold over Makkah and Madinah because these are the centers and citadels of Islam. Hence our domination over these places Is an essential requirement ... when as a conqueror I will enter Makkah and Madinah, the first thing to be done at that time by me would be to dig out two idols (Abu Bakr and Umar) lying by the side of the Prophet's grave."

    (Ayatullah Khomeini of Iran, while addressing a message for a youth rally).

    Khomeinism and Islam,

    page 8 by Abu Rehan Farooqi

    @ First answer HOW DARE YOU PIG SHIA!!!


    what a pigs they don't even respect the prophets honor !!

    now I'm really pissed off

    oh lets see the unity fans for now

    a shia pig calling wive of the prophet a very bad name ..

    not surprise shias are anti-islam ..!

    BTW for those who don't know the 2 users below for the same person he is using one for a good face and other for insulting,wait my question about him with a proof.

  7. ya sure we love u very much plz go and get a life

  8. Blah

  9. may be they think that you are shia too.

  10. u mean why do they hate u !!

  11. Yeah I love you too  

  12. why do wahabis love Yazid the dog who was responsible for the death of the Prophets grandson?

    keep spreading fitna through ur dirty cult, im sure Muawiyah (which a dog is better than him!) would be so proud of your fitna

    rofl @ yazid lovers, I swear by Allah you guys crack me up, thanks for the laugh :)

  13. i'm sunni god Abu Bakr

  14. Well, everyone loves the Ramadan section since it's the hippest place on Y/A where all the cool cats hang.  No doubt about that.

    If you were talking about yourself, I think your avatar image and name and some of the words you've posted is offensive to the Shia people here so they might not like and appreciate you.  No one likes to be made fun of.

  15. I can't believe how they talk about the companions. It's so disgusting.

    Some of the companions were guaranteed paradise and looks at the Shia. Astaghfurullah.

    Roha got upset at you for judging her but yet she not only judges but swears at the companions. Pathetic.

    Don't like your name or avatar.

  16. it shows your personality

    Nothing else

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