
Ramadanis, Who is your favourite non-Muslim personality of the 20th century?

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From Elvis to Lenin anyone is qualified :D




  1. Bella Lugosi


    He is totally awesome and if he was a Muslim and I was 49, I would so marry him.

    I like him because he's talented, rich, likes animals, has given lots of money to charity and is unique.

  3. Angelina Jolie- I love the fact that she spends a lot of her money on the poor and also is a really good mother to her adopted kids!!!

  4. Noam Chomsky

    without his work technology would have been very different than it is today, basically no computer science at all...


    ok, if you guys don't like scientists then i would say :

    George Carlin.

  5. our president Ahmadinejad although he is Muslim. NonMuslim would probably have to be ... Probably what a hard question. I would say Angelina Jolie because of all her efforts to help the less fortunate. That's about it :)

  6. LOL Ramadanis, whats up with that...U can't call muslims Ramadanis...its like calling christians decembrians or something..its just a holy month!!

    Elie Saab .....Lebanon's best fashion designer (and to me the world's best fashion designer)...He has dressed many of the red carpet stars and made his own contest show to bring out the talents of those in the middle east

  7. mill gibson

    he's a great actor/director

  8. Bill Gates'  If it wasn't for him, it's more than likely I would not have met you guys.

    Microsoft is the best thing that's happened in the 20th century - it has brought us YA geeks together.

    P.S those of you who use Apple (Mac) you can spin on it! ..

  9. I gotta go with Einstein.  His Theory of Relativity revolutionized the world in ways we're only recently beginning to fully comprehend.

    love for all, hatred for none

  10. George W. Bush

  11. Mother Theresa. for her wisdom and her great faith in God that made her work with the most poor and deprived of India.

    Here are some quotes of her:

    "Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.

    "If you judge people, you have no time to love them. "

    "We are all pencils in the hand of God."

    "We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls."

    "True holiness consists in doing God's will with a smile”

  12. Rick Astley.

    This is why Rick Astley is tops:

  13. i would definitely say MLK. not only did the man make such a huge impact in history, his speeches mezmerise you -- they are brilliant and pure genius.

  14. Ahmadinejad  

    he is always make me laugh

  15. Tony Blair ! I kinda like him

  16. Mother Teressa

    She dedicated her life to the needy in India.

  17. lolz............

    sorry bro I have no interest in making people my favourite prsonality cause I don't know their facts.

    And whats up with these thumbs down to every one????

    the questionis asked for those answers so why dislikness?

  18. elvis presley

  19. Mary Curie...

    oh and the reason...bcoz she was almost the first scientist woman...first professor woman...many many other firsts too...and being a first is always very very difficult.specially if u r the first woman.and bcoz she fought.fought with all the differences in the society.and showed everyone that many women can do better than men.and she died for the sake of ppl.and so many other reasons.I love and admire her...

  20. I agree with Idreesa, Lugosi was best.

  21. Although I do not agree with everything she says or does, I do respect Oprah a lot simply because she is a humanitarian and has done so much for charity and the less fortunate.

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