
Ramayan and mahabharat are fictions or true events taken ?

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Ramayan and mahabharat are fictions or true events taken ?




  1. True events. Glorified with philosophy,mythology and rituals.A basic foundation of the hindu religion.

  2. Obviously they are real facts....

    that had been happned....hav u visited any place releted to it...if no thn go and just see it u wil get the answer....  

  3. Well actually scientist found radioactive tektites around east Indian so it could be true that Gurkha destroyed those cities with his Vimana craft. The stories of the Mahabharata and Ramayana occur ed around 7,000 years ago. All mythology actually hap pend just at a time we can not date or even imagine. The Hindu gods and goddesses  were giants who came from Atlantis.

  4. ramayan and mahabharat are not fictions,they are the true events that have happened in the past according to indian mythology,if you feel it a wrong statement,then how could  you have the true history of temples having thousands of years of age

  5. Hi dude,

             Ramayana and Mahabharata are not only epics but those are the holy books for Hindus.You may have a doubt like are they fictious or true events that happened? but they are true. For example recently they have found out that near Srilanka there is a long underground bridge called as RAMSETHU and considered to be the bridge constructed during the time of ramayan. Even now you can have a look at the picture if you search in Google for RAMSETHU.

    It proves that really Ramayan was there and Vanarasena has built the bridge with the rocks. Actually the picture has been taken from the satellite and shows the existence of that bridge ofcourse under the Indian Ocean...

  6. Fact or Fiction is not the question to be asked. Read it and think about the beautiful way its written. No one else in the whole universe cannot produce a work like that.  

  7. this is as true as your name is ......... before knowing this true granthas. do you remember your four genreations ago history, even you can not tell your four grand fathers name. but this is every where known all the correctors in all these granthas are known equally to all over the world.

    for an example - one more true is have you seen Indira Gandhi, her activity..... No... but you can still identyfy her by seeing her photo available in the books.

    so please do not keep the doubt about all these holly granthas.

  8. Both are fictions only... Valmiki and Vyasar both were written these stories with the original name of the places.. The kings who were followed hinduism, built temples and carved their idles in these temples.

  9. Both are History, many evidence of which are still found.

  10. may be mixture of events and fictions

  11. Ramayan and Mahabharat are true events cos aparts from these also you see many events taking place related to these events. Even geographical features and all the things support that these events have happened. So have a strong faith in Lord.

  12. Can not comment on it as of now whatever the proofs are available are not so sufficient i feel.That is the reason still everybody doubt on these Ramayana and Mahabharat as they are only epics or really happened.

  13. fictionated real events

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