
Ran over someone dont know what to do?

by  |  earlier

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i driving home this morning, it was still dark, (i work as a security guard, i have night shift) and i was sort of sleepy plus i had had a couple beers with jake from work, i was driving when i took a sharp U turn dont remember exactly what street, when i hear a huge BAM noise and something hits the windshield and rolls over the card or something, ith well i get scared as s******** so i hit the gas and drive as fast as possible home sweating like a m******* and nervous as h**l, i got home like 20 mins ago, im so f******** scared, i dont want to ask anyone which is why i posted here, i have no idea what to do i DONT want to call the cops




  1. welllllll you already broke the law.. so don't turn yourself in.. duh..

    fix any damage to your car.

    you'll be fine.

  2. so your the jackass that ran me over!!!!

  3. You sound like a good person at heart, just scared. Please call 911 and report that you hit something, and you are unsure if someone may be injured but request that an officer investigate the scene to be sure. You don't need to reveal anything about yourself, use a payphone if you must, but don't delay in case someone needs help.

    Even an anonymous 911 call would be fine for now... the rest is small potatoes.

  4. You need to report the incident, and think of the victim. Sure you scared, but you must take responsibility. Should they catch up on you without your own report. They will surly trow the book at you. Remember this is about an injured Human.

  5. Lol...dude.  Posting here was pretty dumb.  It's simple for ANYONE to get your ISP and find out where you live.  If someone on here decides to inform the police about your little confession, they'll track you and find out you're living in the same area as a recent vehicluar manslaughter.  Good luck with that one.

  6. Um...what city do you live in?

    If its near LA I'm moving!

  7. You need to call the police because if someone saw you and reports this, you will be receiving many tickets and you will be facing some serious jail time and fines...........................

  8. call  the cops

    youll get in way more trouble for just leaving.

  9. hmm a tough one.. i would probly see if the guys ok and call the cops but u said none of that. you could track him down and bribe him not to do anything serious. thats all i got


  11. well, you should check nearby hospitals at least to see if anybody came in or check to see if they might know anything. check the newspaper for tommorow. and if you go to the hospital go to emergency and you can always remain anonymous. you probably posted on here because you felt guilty or your conscience is telling you something. thats the best thing i can say if you dont want to tell the cops. =/

  12. d**n, sucks 4 u. sorry dude

  13. You are in DEEP dodo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Turn yourself in.  See you in 20 years.

  15. lol i doubt this is real mr sounds fake infact i have no doubt that it is fake but just because there are always 2 answers...but if by chance this really was real ya call the cops and tell em ya hit someone while driving intoxicated and drowsy..because as much as you dont want to recieve would be the responsible and mature thing to do...but then again pat yourself on the back for posting such a crappy fake if a drunk drowsy man could type as well as this and there are cams on streetlights nowa days to catch the plate they shoulda already caught ur ***.

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