
Random Beatdown Deck?

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Do you think this deck is good enough to enter in with to a local tournament? It is a random beatdown deck I created when i was bored.

Monsters (26)

Theastalos the Firestorm Monarch

Mobius the Frost Monarch

Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

Slate Warrior

Sasuke Samurai

Pitch-Black Warwolf

Mystic Swordsman lv2

Mystic Swordsman lv4

Mystic Swordsman lv6

Dark Blade

Blade Knight

Zombyra the Dark x2

Goblin Attack Force x2

Gemini Elf x2

Luster Dragon x3

Amphibian Beast

Summoned Skull



Blue Eyes White Dragon

Spell (12)

Pot of Avarice

Lightning Vortex x2

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Swords of Revealing Light

Monster Reborn

Premature Bariul

Brain Control

Hammer Shot

Dark Factory of Mass Production

Sebek's Blessing

Traps (7)

Sakuretsu Armor x3

Magic Cylinder

Torrential Tribute

Bottomless Trap Hole

Rope of Life

Threatening Roar

total=45 cards

Please Rate from 1-10 and explain what i can do to make it better.




  1. No offense bro...NOT A CHANCE...don't enter a tournament with a beatdown deck. Try having a theme, like a DAD deck(Dark Armed Dragon) or a Lightsworn, or Remove from Play or Spellcaster. You need a theme...not a put together combo deck. I'd give it a 4.5

    Add better traps and Magics like Radiant Mirror Force, Bottomless Trap Hole, Mirror Force, Wave Motion Cannons, Monsters with really good effects

  2. yah its not to bad but sometimes wont have  a stratagy so change it into a normal beatdown deck hope that helps

  3. random is a bad deck topic, try a specific deck type.

    you can try entering but chances are its not gotta work against people who knows how to use a specific deck type. ex. gladiator beast, monarch, samurai...I see you got monarch, but  everything else are too random, I've not see any random deck do good in a tournament in almost two years now. I use to win local tournaments with random beatdown like berserk and other strong lv4, but the time has long passed, now days deck is all about speed.

    check for top decks.

    as is: 4/10
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