
Random Eclipse (the book) Question?

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Ok, well, does anyone remember the graduation scene, when Bella says that Eric is the valedictorian? Well, has it occurred to any of you that Edward has perfect grades? Shouldn't Edward have become the valedictorian, as opposed to Eric? I know this is random, but I was wondering if anyone else noticed this...




  1. Yes, I noticed it, but he also left for like 6 months so I think thats why they didn't give it to him although he probably could've dazzled them into it lol.

  2. you know, I haven't but now that you mention it... Ya that's pretty weird huh? Well, maybe because Eric is a more normal kid. So they picked him.

  3. yes,

    he may have been smarter,

    but he cut alot of school to go "hunting"

    so he probably missed alot of assignments.

  4. true but the only thing is that edward has done this before and missed half the year, so he probably dosnt get it, cause he was gone for so long, same thing for why alice didnt get it

  5. well edward misses school whenever the weather was sunny and he missed alot of days when bella arrived because of the whole bella's-blood-is-very-tempting-to-him problem

  6. I don't think he was enrolled long enough.  He might have not taken enough AP classes either if he was trying to have the same schedule as Bell so his GPA might not have been as high.

    Also, based on her bio teacher's question if she had been in AP back in Phoenix, it sounds like Forks doesn't have AP.  So Eric could have just as easily gotten the same grades as Edward.

    Probably a lot of kids did and when it came down to choosing a valedictorian they probably had to apply and write an essay. Edward wouldn't bother with that because 1- it's not important to him and 2- that would draw more attention to the Cullens.

    Who knows maybe he was asked and just declined.

    Good observation!

  7. THE BOOK?  REALLY? I thought we were talking about the movie...

    Edward dropped out of school for a semester because he was being too much of a chicken to hang around Bella anymore.  Eric, on the other hand, never dropped out of school.

  8. bare in mind that Mike was the most socialble of the two!

    If you remember on Bella's first day, Mike immediatly tried to welcome her into the school atmosphere and the cullen's wern't exactly the most friendly of people towards Bella when she first arrived in Forks

  9. I noticed it and I though about it too

    Maybe he denied the offer of being the valedictorian and they gave eric the role because he was second best

  10. edward misses school a lot to go hiking (hunting) so he misses a lot of his classes........ I was thinking the same thing- that at least one of the cullens should have gotten it

  11. yeah, but he left for like a whole semester, so he didn't do altot of work, so he got less grades

  12. OMG! I didn't notice! You are soo right! Grrr now I am more mad at Stephenie Thanks! LOL

  13. Lol, yeah...that does make sense..good question...hmmmm

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