
Random Geography quiz! Whoever gets them all right first will get 10 points!!!!!!!!!?

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1.About how many degrees is there between Mexico City and Quito?

2. The latitude and longitude of southern tip of South Africa is about

A. 40 degrees South, 100 degrees west

B. 58 degrees South, 70 degrees west

C. 55 degrees North, 80 degrees west

D. 60 degrees South, 100 degrees east

3. Which City is closest to the prime Meridian?

A. Quito

B. Mexico City

C. Durban

D. London

4.Why was Mesopotamia also known as "The Land Between Two Rivers"?




  1. I am guessing for 1. is about 20 degrees. 2. i guess C :) 3. London

    4. Euphrates and Tigris

  2. 1. About 20 degrees

    2. None of the Above

    3. London

    4. It was situated between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

  3. 1.40-50


    3.Mexico city

    4.Mesopotamia was in between two rivers, Euphrates and Tigris.

  4. 1. About 20 degrees of latitude and about 21 degrees of longitude.

    2. It's actually about about 35 degrees South, 20 degrees East.  Perhaps you meant to ask about the southern tip of South America?  That's at least in the right demihemisphere, but it's still not particularly close to any of the options you listed (it's at roughly 55 degrees South, 66 degrees West.  Of the options you list, B is the closest (for South America), but it's still not very close.

    3. The Prime Meridian goes through Greater London, so it would have to be the closest.

    4. Mesopotamia was located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.  In fact, the word "Mesopotamia" comes from the Greek for "Land between two rivers".

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