
Random Q: Why have there been so many questions about Americans today?

by Guest66732  |  earlier

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I've noticed like four. It's not bugging, but I'm just wondering, is there any specific reason?




  1. America is the center of the universe not the sun(Americocentric).

  2. There should be. It's time people started realizing how corrupt this country is.

  3. Maybe because 90% of the people online are American?

  4. maybe this is the terrorist trying to find out something i am not sure but i can answer them all and did.

  5. It IS largely an American site.

    Four questions isn't obsessive.

  6. taking your presupposition as true i would have to say its probably because america is making headlines in the news quite a bit lately

  7. Because we Brits tend to find you Yanks a strange and enigmatic people. And even those among us who say they don't like Yanks are secretly drawn to the dark and mysterious auras of the colonials.

    Strange, eh?

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