
Random Question. What Is Your Opinion On Adoption?

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Random Question. What Is Your Opinion On Adoption?




  1. Well if you're the one adopting, I say good for you.

    If you're the one putting a child up for adoption, I think you should have a good reason.

    Couldn't you give the baby to a family member?

    If it's a reason like you're too young, or you think you can't provide for your baby, then that's probably okay.

    But if its some weird reason like you just don't want too, then I don't see why you should put the baby up for adoption.

    Overall, I like adoption. My friend has an adopted sister, and she's very nice. But that's only one person...

  2. There is nothing wrong with adoption. If you cant have children you should be able to adopt. If you do have children you should also be able to adopt. but as long as the kids are loved and treated equally. There are so many children out there who need parents. This should be something you really want to do. Because taking care of children is a very hard job.

  3. I think it is a great choice. I'm adopted. I was abandoned the day after i was born.

  4. I think it is an excellent idea. People who can find it in their hearts to give a child/ren a home, care, love, discipline and whatever else they need are blessed. Of course it isn't for everyone....

  5. Its like everything else in Life, its good but some not all people tend to use it the wrong way and make it look bad. IMO........ Overall its a great idea. My Father is adopted and his new family treated him great, but I've known other kids that weren't so fortunate.

  6. I think its a great idea ... but I think a lot of homework needs to go into the decision on both sides ... these infants have special needs that need to be met right away and older children have a lot of stigmatisms on them ... All children deserve a home and the people who are dead set against abortions should help raise some of these children!!

  7. Adoption is wonderful.  My cousin and many of my friends are adopted.  People who don't want to raise children or can't for whatever reason should always consider adoption as an option.  There are so many couples who want a child to love.

  8. i think it a great thing i know i would love to adopt some day

  9. There are many different ways to look at this question, first putting a child up for adoption is a wonderful option to do for anyone that feels that they can not take care of a child and give them the life that they deserve, second I would consider adopting a child if I couldn't have any myself, I think all in all adoption is wonderful.

  10. Adoption is wonderful.  My husband and I just adopted our son three months ago when he was one-day old and we couldn't be happier.  I have nothing but respect and admiration for his birth mother and think of her daily.  If it weren't for adoption I wouldn't have my precious son and he may not have the life that my husband and I are providing for him.  Best of luck to any couple who is looking to adopt and my most sincere respect goes to the birth parents who are making a huge sacrifice for the love of their child.

  11. That it is a good thing. But my story of adoption is a positive one. So that is why i say it's good.

  12. For my adoption I am 100% with what "whatever" said. She pretty much answered it for me.

    I do work in the adoption industry and do see other sides of adoption too, so I would say that it depends on in individual.

  13. I think adoption is a great way to go, which is also why I think abortion is so wrong (but that's another story : P)

    There are thousands of couples that want to adopt because of various things that come up that makes them unable to have children of their own.  There are also thousands of teenage girls who get pregnant and don't want or can't handle the responsibility of having children at this point in their lives.  So, put two and two together and you have thousands of happy couples with kids that they couldn't have on their own.

  14. It's wonderful for all parties involved. My Mom-in-law was adopted and I have a friend who was and they are both very thankful that they were.

  15. i think it is great

  16. It should be a last option. LAST. Not first, not second. LAST.

    I don't like it. read my past questions and I'm sure you'll find out why. If not, visit my blog

  17. Adoption is about finding families for children who don't have families, not about finding or getting children for families who want children.  There are plenty of children in foster care whose parents' parental rights have been either relinquished or terminated.

    Also, it's sad that these children have lost their families, and that should never be discounted in their adoptions.

  18. I think that giving up a child for adoption is the most unselfish thing a person can do.  It must also be one of the hardest decisions that a person can make.  I have the utmost respect for anyone who can do it.

    I think for the people on the receiving end, it is a blessing as oft times they cannot physically produce a child and yet they have the love and the means to raise a child.

    Hopefully it is a positive experience for all concerned.

    God Bless all those involved.

  19. personally i know how it affects both the relinquishing mother and the relinquished child it can be a good thing if the mother hasn't the resources to care for the baby properly and it gives people who might never have the chance otherwise to be the best parents they know how to be

  20. It is something that should be used only as a last resort.

    We should stop using it as a means to provide a means to "build a family" and keep the focus on what it should be...finding a home for children who need one, NOT finding children for desperate couples.

    While there will always be a need for it, it is in SERIOUS need of reform in the US.  We could look to Australia as a great role model as to how adoption practices SHOULD be done.

    Adoptee rights, access to affordable housing and assistance to mothers, encouraging parenting as the first option instead of pushing adoption at every turn.

    Only when all other options have failed, if parenting is just not an option and if the child cannot remain with any other member of the famiy, then adoption can be utilized...but only then should it be considered.

  21. I am adopted and have had a great experience, so it I would say I think it is a good and necessary option.

  22. I think adoption is great. I was put up for adoption by my birth mother when I was born. I'm originally from South Korea and I am truly grateful for all of the opportunities I have now. I have a great mother and family and wonderful friends and a fiance that loves me. If I had stayed with my biological mother I would live in poverty and have nothing. Those mothers are intellegent women who want the best for their child that they can not provide. It's a great choice.

  23. It's an awesome way to become a parent!  I am an adoptive mother.  I am grateful for my son's life and respectful of his birthmother.  I am open to a child finding a loving home instead of being aborted or being bounced around in foster care.

    And may I say that I am not having trouble conceiving- I just don't want to be pregnant.  Plus, I adopted my son as a single parent.  I get virtually NO sleep- but my little guy is soooo worth it.  :-)

  24. I am for it!! : )

  25. That is is necessary in situations where a child genuinely needs a home

    The infant adoption business in the USA is out of hand, largely unregulated and in dire need of reform

  26. Every child deserves to be loved!!

  27. I am adopted so I am totally for it!

  28. personally:

    it is wonderful. i had a great life with 'ward and june cleaver'. i was raised in a huge house and was very stable and cared for. they thought i was a little nuts, but i was just different than them. i couldnt have asked for a better life.


    holy cow, the c**p that happens. lies, lies, lies. we are unable to get information that pertains to us, our past and heritage. medical records are hidden so we walk around not knowing what may come, especially when it comes to our children.  we are told we have no right to have this. we are told a lot of c**p

    i personally have a great experience with it.great parents, found my biofamily and love them. i felt like an outsider most of my life, but my family and i dont share any same interests. i got all that from my biofamily. but they never MADE me feel that way, i just did.

    but reform is so importent. we have to get things changed. its not fair to anyone the way things are now.

    overall, adoption is a fantastic idea that some jerks along the way have twisted into a mockery of privacy and personal rights.

  29. I believe that

    #1.. the system needs to be reformed.. the way adoptions are handled now needs aLOT of work, from what I understand.

    #2.. Despite young age, girls CAN sucessfully raise their children, go to college, etc, etc..It can be done, and they should be encouraged to try it, if they feel they can..

    #3. HOWEVER.. Adoption CAN be a win-win-win for all involved, for the most part.. It can give the baby the benefit of a couple who wants it and is ready for children, can give the infertile couple the child they've always dreamed of, and give a girl who made a mistake a 2nd chance to finish her education..  It CAN Be a good thing..

    #4.. there is NO WAY in which adoption is NOT the better option over abortion.. You'll never convince me of it.. Abortion-on-demand (meaning abortion that is not for medical necessity or rape crisis) needs to stop NOW!  

    I know I'll never have my own  child, but I'm hoping that some day I can have the wonderful gift of giving a child that might otherwise have been aborted, a loving home.. it WILL be a "wanted child" VERY MUCH so...does it really make a a difference who is the one wanting it?

  30. it's a good thing to do, because otherwise..what becomes of the kids who get abandoned by their biological parents? They usually have problems keeping up with learning, and become delinquents/can become violent criminals due to lack of parental affection, and isolation

  31. I think society as a whole tends to think of adoption as great for people who can't have kids.

    But that thinking has gotten skewed from what adoption really should be for; and that's finding homes for children in need.

    It's kinda like getting the cart before the horse, isn't it?

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