
Random Question about your hands?

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What are some impossible things you can do WITH your hands, but withOUT your thumbs?

Like if you were to tape your thumbs down so you couldn't use them?

what are a few things that seem almost impossible to do without your thumbs?





  1. On my motorcycle, I couldn't hit the horn button while braking.  Not that I do that with thumbs anyway.

  2. I actually have a friend with no thumbs and he has learned to do so much. He can write (it looks weird but you can), swing a golf club, pick up fruit (which does seem impossible without thumbs because ive tried it and it doesn't work for me), and so much more. If you teach yourself to do these things you will be able to do them without your thumbs.

    Good luck =]

  3. press the spacebar when i'm typing.. it would take much longer

  4. swing a golf club.

  5. picking up a coin is hard work without thumbs


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