
Random: Viola & Olivia?

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I was watching the movie, "She's the Man" once more and I realized... Viola and Olivia are such pretty names to be together, like if you have 2 daughters. LOL. You might think I'm crazy, but does anyone think about names like this before? They use the same letters and all...




  1. I like both names, although Olivia is a hot, hot name right now for little girls ... which is why my hubby & I have it picked out for a middle name. :)

  2. I LOVE Viola, it's an older classic name that hasn't yet turned trendy.

    Olivia is OK, not horrible, but wouldn't be on my list.

  3. that's so sweet i had seen that movie and never realized they are spelt with the same letters, i love those names. thats a great idea

  4. My grandma's name was Viola and I like Olivia because it reminds me of the Cosby Show, good times.   That's just me though I like them for sentimental reasons.

  5. That's very interesting! They would be very cute twin names!

  6. Very cute, actually.

  7. Yes, those two names are lovely. they go well together. I have never thought aboutt the fact that they have the same letters though. btw "She's the man" was a really funny movie.    

  8. Good choice - go for it!

  9. You're right - would be great for twins :)

  10. I love them  Great idea for twins or  other wise.

  11. It is cute for twins! Lol.

    Personally I don't like Viola, and now I'm starting to like Olivia, just a little.

    I like Violet & Olivia.


  12. I had a grandmother named Viola too...I like it...

    Olivia is cute...I am a Law and Order SVU fan so...I like the detective Olivia...she's cool!

    You could call them Liv and Vi for short! LOL!

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