
Random Yellow Dots?

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You know about those little yellow dots that randomly appear on your skin? You can easily rub it off, and it like falls on you. Today in class a girl screamed that a bird peed on her, but it was one of those little dots instead. There were no birds, and no trees around. I think it comes from trees, but I'm not sure... what exactly is it?




  1. its pollin, dear child.

    take your vitamins and pee twice a day, soon they will disappear

  2. "...what exactly is it?"

    I think that it is a girl that is easily excited.

  3. Yes, you are correct.  It's pollen, and most of it comes from trees.  Scientists think Global Warming is causing more.  It is making diseases like asthma and allergies even harder on the people who have them.

    "Yellow dust" is being reported all over.  People find it on their cars and don't know what it is.

  4. i think they come primarily from fir trees.

    you see the stuff on cars around here every year.

    i think we're almost done this season, but a few weeks ago, it was almost like snow.
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