
Random and strange symptoms?

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Randomly, I will become very tired, usually in the morning, after I have been up for a few hours. I feel sick in the afternoons as well, and my emotions are constantly sliding up and down the scale. I'm not hungry for hours, then suddenly ravenous and can eat far more than I normally would. I almost had a panic attack today (first day in the class and people were crowded all around me- makes me nervous), and had to leave early. I took a nap, but I slept for seven hours and woke up still tired.

In your opinion, would it be more likely that I am pregnant (a possibility given that I recently switched to the pill and missed last month's period) or that I am depressed and need to adjust my medication accordingly?

Thanks in advance!




  1. You might be a lazy hypocondriac

  2. take a preg test and rule that out could just be normal changes

  3. It sound like depression unless you went and stop taking your meds that's always bad i can say that iv seen that and it's all bad, you could have ate something that makes you have allergic  because of your medications. Just keep your self safe

  4. U might be low in iron, which usually cause tiredness.  

  5. I'd suggest you get a home pregnancy kit and have a test done.  

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