
Random body/makeup/hair type questions- girls only pls?

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1. i am fifteen, 5'3, and weigh 97 pounds. is that normal?

2. i have white blond hair and long eyelashes, should i wear mascara or would it look weirD? and should i put it on both top and bottom or just the top lashes?

3.does neutrogena 8 hour acne clenser work? if u havent used it just write n/a

4. do u m********e? how often?

5. i make homemade facials out of cinnamon, toothpaste, egg white, lemon juice, and cornstarch. cna u reccomend any other ingredient i could use?

6. cat or dog?? :)




  1. 1- your skinny, but idk if thats a bad thing

    2- wear mascara, but only on the top lashes

    3-no idea

    4- who doesnt, and whenever i wanna

    5- idk about facials but for hair- vinegar

    6- dogg

  2. 1. i think your a little underweight if anything, but as long as you're eating healthily, and getting a little exercise you'll be fine.

    2. try brown mascara, just a little.

    3. havn't used it, but if you have acne, try not to 'play' with your skin too much

    4.i do, maybe once/twice a week

    5. try natural yoghurt

    6. cats!  

  3. 1. yes its normal

    2. try brown masscara


    5.honey to make the skin soft.

    6. dog ;D

  4. 1. thats exactly like me but im 17 so i would say yes

    2.i would say a light brown mascara and only on the bottom

    3.n/a try clearasil

    4.yes why nott

    5.i dont know bout this one

    6. for sure a dog by far dogs are by far better much more loyal

    for instance my old german shepard saved me from a fire in my house when i was 3... so i would definetly go with dog


  5. 1.No

    2.Brown mascara


    4. i dont do that!


  6. 1.try gaining 3 more pounds.

    2.if ur eyelashes are blond too, put mascara on both the top and bottom lashes.


    4.not anymore.never did it often any way., sorry. :)

  7. 1. this is a better question for your doctor, because we can't take into account your metabolism or bone structure.

    2. use mascara that's brown or blonde-colored, because black would look very unnatural

    3. it didn't work for me at all, so i use proactiv(i'm not recommending this, it's just what i use)and aveeno products. aveeno is really great for keeping your skin in good shape after using acne-fighting products. try clean and clear for acne

    4. nope

    5. i can't think of any to add, but take the toothpaste out... its not good for your skin, plus it has the flavoring/sugar in it. actually, try adding a little oatmeal once in a while

    6. kitty =] they're more independent but still like to snuggle

  8. No

    Clean & Clear in the small tube

    Top lashes only

    Talking about masturbation in this category ,puts it in a different category.keep it where it belongs. It's a separate issue,& it doesn't belong here



    Good products

  9. 1. It depends on your body structure. If you look healthy at 97 pounds then you are!

    2. if your eyebrows are blonde, then use a light brown pencil to bring them out and then you can use any mascara you want! My friend has the same problem and she doesnt even do the eyebrow thing and wears like heavy mascara. Just be confident!

    3. i used the spot gel a couple times  applied it all over my face not just my acne, and slept with it on and it worked for me, but i think it really just depends on your skin and how much acne you have

    4. sorry no, i've got a husband for that lol but its natural for you to experiment with masturbation.


    this will tell you based on your skin type what best homemade facial to use.

    6. go with the dog :)

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