
Random brown discharge....?

by  |  earlier

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ook so i just went to the toilet and i had this brown discharge on my underwear and there is quite a bit of it.. its quite thick and almost pasty?? umm what is it? when i wiped there was only light brown on the paper... dunno what this is..any ideas? im not due for my period for another 2 weeks,, im sexually active and im 17..

dunno what this is..any ideas?




  1. It doesn't sound too good. If you say you weren't due for your period in another 2 weeks I suggest you go doctor. Random brown discharge is not common and it could be the start of a sexually transmitted infection. Don't worry too much though, it could've just been a one off

  2. herpes.. seek help.

  3. You might be getting your peroid early.  Being 17 you might not have as regular peroids as you think.  There could also be many factors that could change your peroid, like stress or whatever.

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