
...Random coughing fit and whatnot?

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I was just sitting here and then randomly something that felt like a piece of dust flew down my throat and now my eyes are watering and I feel like I'm going to hurl and I'm coughing my brains out...what's up with that?




  1. You will find that you have what is called pharangeal spasms.

    This is where anything touches your pharanx and the pharanx closes up.

    I have a pretty nasty case of this, when anything touches it, it closes up tight and blocks the airway.  Naturally I make a choking sound as I struggle for breath.

    The best course of action is to relax and try to breath through your nose.  The muscles will relax and you will be able to breath normally again.

    If you ever get post nasal drip the situation happens a lot more often, especially when you are sleeping.

    However it's not as bad as it sounds, if you ever pass out your muscles will relax and you will breath normally once again.

    Can anything be done about it?  Yes can see an allergy specialist, and an ENT specialist.  Possibly see a dietitian also.

  2. Maybe ts dryness...

    Drink lots of water and sit down and breathe in and out...

    Gte outside and breathe in the fresh air.

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