
Random facts...?

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The shortest war in the world is the Anglo-Zanzibar War, which involved the United Kingdom and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896. The war took place for only 40 minutes.

The only word you cannot do in Scrabble (within letter limits on the board of course) is 'pizzazz' you can use 2 blank tiles for z's and the regular z, but you are still missing the fourth z.

Hairs and nails do NOT grow after death even though they appear that way. The skin retracts after death, therefore giving the illusion of growth.

There are only 5-10 survivors of World War 1 left alive.

The Hawaiien language has the shortest alphabet in the world.

The longest word that can be typed using only the top row of the keyboard is typewriter.




  1. Hawaii also has the only monarchy in the United States, and a royal palace called Iolani Palace I believe in Kuai.

  2. cool did you know that in alaska, it's illegal to look at a moose in an airplane?

  3. Good stuff, Chad. Lucy, Washington is a beautiful State, and the best thing in it is the highway to Canada, where another survivor lives.  Woot Toot! jk.

  4. Yeah and one of the survivors is in Washington! wo0ot! ( im from seattle )
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