
Random flash document?

by  |  earlier

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I have a flash document that is essentially just a slide show with ten pictures, but I want the show to start at a different picture and play through randomly each time the web page loads, repeating throughout the show is not that big of deal to me, but does anyone know the easiest way to do this, I don't know any actionscript, but I can learn if that is important (i just mention this to let other know that I need everypart of the code explained)




  1. Say you have 10 pics for a random start, put the following into a movieclip

    onClipEvent(load){  //this code will start when flash load

       picNo=parseInt( Math.random( )*10)+1;  //get a random number from 1 to 10

       gotoAndStop(picNo); //use the number and go to a specific pic


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