
Random people come up and tell me their problems..?

by  |  earlier

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i care about people and all, but i'm not a good person for them to talk to..

people always say "don't give advice, just listen"

okay, so i listen.. then what?

i feel soo akward. people will be telling me about their parents divorce or their dead sibling or their breakup or whatever. and i just be standing there like a complete idiot.

what should i be saying to these people?




  1. Sometimes, a person just needs someone to talk to. Not everything requires an answer or a response. Just do the best you can at listening to what the person needs to talk about. Just having a person to listen helps.

  2. It's good that they trust you and they feel bad.You really should listen to them I think and if you can give them advice or comfort them.If you don't then just say "I feel sorry but there's nothing I can do, sorry".

  3. I am in the same boat with you, people love to tell me their problem and I often offer my advice or some comfort for them. You should be happy that people trusts you! Unless, you find this annoying then you need to let them know you are not interested in their problems. People who likes to talk to others about their problems often just want someone to listen to them so you don't have to take it too seriously. Good luck!

  4. say that sounds bad, or just say u have to go, lol that works...

  5. Just say thats very sad or I am sorry to hear that or say I really don't care to hear about your problems.  

  6. umm say your sorry and all the say you have to go do something that might help.

    Or you can say what you are really thinking about it all.

  7. It is because you are such a good listener that people tell you things. It's a way for them to vent and get their frustrations out. They tell you because you don't interrupt or say anything. You might try telling them that you're sorry for what they're going through but maybe they should talk to a counselor or someone who can actually help them.

  8. Just listen and give a hug when they are done.  

  9. well being on yahoo answers..  why are your coming to us with your problem ?

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