
Random question #1 - have you ever experienced something supernatural?

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seeing ghosts , hearing things , ect?




  1. Not me.My brother said he saw and spoke to our grandfather's ghost shortly after he died. My cousin also said she spoke to our grandmother,but that one was a dream so maybe it doesn't count.

  2. I once saw my wife cleaning the house, but I soon came to and realized it was a hallucination. Eerie as h**l though.

  3. yes i have. ghost .saw one. heard one and last time i went to lizzy borden house felt one.

  4. me loosing the feeling in my legs and still walking. giveing me the experience that I was floating.

  5. Yes. The wonder of life amazes me.

  6. Yeah when I was a child I saw a ghost and the image has stayed with me for life just as clearly as the day I saw it. I remember being able to see him, but also see through him.

    I told my mother what I had seen and from the description she thinks that it may have been my grandfather who died before I was born.

  7. i heard someone snap their fingers close to my ears and no one was in the room. it was in a new apartment complex so i'm probably just crazy.

  8. No, but for some reason I cannot go into the original kitchen of Dunvegan Castle on the Isle of Skye in Scotland without breaking into a cold sweat and feeling a strong sense of dread. I've tried twice now, with the outcome the same both times.

    But by and large, I don't believe in ghosts, goblins, fairies, or gods or any combination thereof.

  9. I found the body of a seven year old boy in a lake shortly after he died, i was sure i felt a "presence" over my right shoulder for some time after wards until one day, i was having a snooze in the sun after school and i felt something clasping my arm, i forced myself to wake, sat up and there he was. The room was chilly even though the sun was shining in the window.

    Ive had a "healer" type person that is an acquaintance tell me my fathers name and i don't know how he could have known, he also described a friend and the reason for his death to a tee.

    I'm still a cynic though.

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