
Random question: Why?

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Just interested to see what people come up with for this one :D




  1. Did you want to know the meaning of " :D "? Well, it's probably your generation to explain to you correctly! I do not know several of the signs (or symbols) like these! Just roam arround here----someday, I won't be able to understand your sign even.  

  2. It's all your fault.

  3. random answer:because.

  4. Because.  

  5. Why not ?

  6. because, because, because

  7. Why do I have to be the one who is accused of wrong doing when the wrong is achieving by being told they are doing the right?

  8. Everything, life, flows in a

    pattern.  Yours is not to

    question why, but live and

    be happy.

  9. In the beginning all was quiet,the sound silenced by the utter blackness of nothingness,so it began,so it will be.Why back?

  10. Yours is not to question why...yours is just to do!  

  11. WHY NOT MOTHER ******

  12. because it's fun

  13. Why is of the mind only.  In Reality, there is no why.  There is only What Is.

  14. "Why?" is a presumption that causality has existence.  It is a mental concept that stems from the dualistic nature of the mind/intellect and has no inherent existence outside of thinkingness.  

    Cause and effect is an attempt to explain "why?" in which the mind arbitrarily selects a starting point in a sequence of events and labels it a 'cause' of an selected end point.  Newtonian physics is pragmatic in the world of form, but excludes the world of non-form, which science is discovering more and more.  

    A supposed 'cause' is merely a perceptual fabrication in sequential viewing of events that occur on a continuum.  The error in the question "why?" is that it fails to include all known and unknown factors that result in a consequence; that is the inability to recognize the cause of a 'cause' which has to include everything in the universe.  

    Therefore it is more accurate to say that the seeming result of any moment is the result of the totality of all preceding moments.

  15. cause something did something that made it so.

  16. Because it's there.

  17. 3.14

  18. enjoy, my many opportunities in LIFE, the experiences, decisions made right or otherwise, responsible for all my words, thoughts, actions...and be happy with myself...

    ...then, in my reflections of my life...ask...why?

  19. because I said so that's why :)
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