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If olive oil is made out of olives, than what about "baby" oil?




  1. ...made when momma and poppa have that look in there eyes and smile...retire to the bedroom to begin production of baby oil...

  2. You think you are cool

    You are cool for real only if there are more products caring the name of their substances than products caring the name of their application.

    toilet paper car wash door handle...A research has to be done!

    If you pay enough I can manage myself and prove/disprove your coolness

    How can anybody give this beautiful creature a thumb down?

  3. Funny. ha ha. Baby oil is made of of alkanes (typically 15 to 40 carbons) [1] and cyclic paraffins, related to white petrolatum

  4. ok i get the joke. somethings are named for what they are made of and some are called what they are to be used on. dog food is not food made from dogs but food for dogs. same with baby oil. it is made to be used on babies.  

  5. It must be made out of babies. ha ha ha. That's why it smells so good.

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