
Random thoughts most of the time.?

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ever since i was 4 i had been getting random thoughts in my head, 1st of all (dont hate me) would spout out random hate messages about god and stuff. i cant remember much more about when i was little except i didnt socialize alot. im kinda a loner even now really. im a very impulsive person i often say without thinking and things without realising what ive actually done.

around 8 i remember i started getting thoughts when i was travelling like in a car i kept thinking all sorts like the car flipping over or it just exploding. im 16 and i still get them but not only do i get these but i only have to look at something now and imagine something totally out there, like today i couldnt get out of my head about this truck thing that lays down soil (i was taking my dog out at the time) and i kept thinking my dog was going to run away and get cuaghtup in it until he was cut into tiny pieces. it was really distressing and to take my mind out of it i started focusing on my walking i kept counting how many steps ive taken but it was still there a bit and then i kept forgetting how many i took and then i just got stressed and had to go home.

i have an OBSESSION with people not touching me which totally came from nowhere and i have NO IDEA whatsoever why i have this fear. one time in an airport someone was walking behind me and i stopped and went dont touch me really angry and hostile and the dude was like wtf. ive been getting random thoughts for so long ive gotten used to it as if it is normal but not completley used to it you know? like theres something new all the time that i think about and well im starting to think its not common and it is stressful how my mind never switches off my head allways fills like its full to its capacity and i just like want a little switch that turns it off and its frustrating sometimes i feel like just i dont know i think alot of things.

but how to stop this? and whats with the no touchy thing???? btw i do suspect ocd in myself and thoughts are apart of that BUT i want to stop it, i dont care about labels atm, whether im ocd or just an imaginative kid i want to stop this, because what im doing right now isnt working. any advise would be great. dont say you need to talk to parents or a psychiatrist about this because that wont work, im too scared to go on my own and id rather drop dead than tell my parents i think i have a problem, it takes me hours just to say i have a headache. and even if i blame a headache on stress they say its BS so what can i do?




  1. i have the same problem. i have so many thoughts running thru my head that sometimes i just want to beg the Lord to shut my brain off for a while. my thoughts are random. always the what ifs. what if someone came up and shot me in the face and kidnapped my son, what if i was taking a shower and got electrocuted by lightning or what if i just drive my car into this semi. i think that its normal. satan knows what gets you going, and he is taking you down one way or another. the devil preys on your fears and sparks thoughts that seem to come from no goodness whatsoever. when i get really bad thoughts, i repeat scripture. "our father thou art in heaven, hallow be thy name. thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day, our daily bread and forgive our trespasses as we forgive our trespassers. lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one" and that is when it fades into another thought and i start over from scratch. it helps me. you would be suprised at what He can do for you. He loves you, and is just waiting on you.

    i dont know what is up with the touchy thing, some ppl just dont like it i suppose. i hope that maybe, just maybe what i say may help you. lean on the Lord, He is forever strong

  2. You ask for help then tell us not to help you.  If you can't talk to your parents,(I understand that) find someone you trust and have them help you.  Identifying the problem is useful to get the right help.

    Good luck.

  3. Google a short piece called Desiderata. Read it over & over until you feel that you have understood everything it is trying to say to you. When you have done that, focus. Focus on strengths not weaknesses. Focus on positives not negatives. Focus, focus - force yourself to focus.

    This is not a problem unique to you - you are no freak. I have been there (many years ago now) and if you can apply yourself like I did it will soon become history for you!

    You have my total sympathy. I know, because you have written about it, that you have the ability & mental strength to overcome it quite easily.  Well done for coping with it so far. Now all you have to do is knock it on the head. My very best wishes to you both for now and your future. UK

  4. Wow... those two answers were pretty irritating.. huh? I think I think the same as you... When I was younger I couldn't get to sleep because I would imagine someone's face decaying over and over... I would have constant nightmares... I would remember thinking stupid violent things happening all of the time... I think it is an OCD thing and every time I have talked to a professional they just dont understand and want to put me on meds. I try to occupy my mind with repetitive things... Like I make lists of what I need to do and think of methods to do things that stress me out... Maybe when you find yourself thinking about things and getting stressed try to do something that is good for you... go running... write it down... if there is someone you know you feel comfortable try talking to them... I still deal with it and try to work it out all the time so hopefully I didn't just make it worse for you lol

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