
Randomly Sometimes my heart beats irregularly for a brief moment?

by  |  earlier

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i wont be doing any sort of excercise nor will i be thinking of something exciting/ arousing. etc.

ill just be sitting doing homework or doing something of that genre, and my heart will speed up and beat weirdly.

it reminds me of when i was younger i would run just for a short time but long after i slowed down my heart was still pounding like 5 times a second.

im seventeen by the way and im not sure if any of this is necessarily a problem or worth worrying about because im fine otherwise. it just scares me sometimes. like im about to have a heart attack!

i do have an active lifestyle. but i guess i could be more fit. i eat on a healthy diet no mcdonalds and such or if any its very rare.

your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks




  1. I've experienced this too - they are heart palpitations that come and go.  I asked my doctor about it.  She told me that in moderation they are normal and not to worry unless they become very frequent.

    See also: Palpitations are the unpleasant sensations of irregular and/or forceful beating of the heart in the chest. This symptom can be caused by a change in the rate or rhythm, or by an increase in the force of the contraction of the heart muscle. In some patients with palpitations, no heart disease or abnormal heart rhythms can be found. In others, palpitations result from abnormal heart rhythms called arrhythmias. Arrhythmias are heartbeats that are too slow, too rapid, irregular, or too early.

  2. Hey I'm 18 and I also had irregular heartbeat/palpitations and I swear it is NOTHING to worry about. It happens to me all the time and is harmless! They say caffeine can contribute to it. It is good that you have an active lifestyle and a healthy diet. you are healthy but if you feel unsure get it checked out just incase! ;)

  3. palpitations can be quite common in young people but its worth a mention to your GP. If it happens for a prolonged period say half an hour or so the best thing would be to go to the accident and emergency dept and get an ECG while you're experiencing symptoms.

    If they only last a couple of minutes or seconds just make an appointment with your GP, they'll be able to decide if it needs further investigation.

    More often it is completely normal but occasionally it could be a sign of an underlying heart problem so its best to get the doctors to check it out just in case.

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