
Randomly my mouse hand will move on its own?? ?

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Not the part I use but sometimes I will be on the computer and I will see the pointy mouse hand just start moving around on my computer screen even though I am not touching it and its not moving one bit?

Why does it move on its own?




  1. That happens to mine ALOT, but mines old so i think it might be old or somthings blocking it.

  2. If it's laptop track pad, then dust is on the pad and it's too sensitive.

    If it's laptop ball stick (Thing in middle of keyboard) then it's stuck in a direction and needs fixing.

    If it's an optical mouse then the light is reflecting away from the sensor or the mouse is titled at an angle, get a smooth non-reflective surface to use your mouse on.

    If it's a ball mouse then there is dirt that is unbalancing the ball and making it turn slightly.

    If it's a track ball then the ball needs tacking out and cleaning as there is too much friction on the wheel inside.

    Next time say what type of mouse you have.

  3. LAWL well if the surface that the mouse is on reflects any of the beam its going to move haha. So don't use paper.

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