
Randy Orton accident???

by Guest63549  |  earlier

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Ok there still no proof of his accident.It wasnt even covered by the local news station.So who thinks that this whole thing is fake???

I think its fake and he will return at Unforgiven and be on SD.




  1. It probably is a fake but I'm not sure for certain. I hope it is a fake so Randy isn't hurt.

  2. its somewhere on

  3. Yeah, inside I have a feeling that it is kayfabe(fake). Because many people were considering he coming back on SummerSlam and he didn't and a few days before SS he had an injury on the same part of his body. And also that not being covered by any local news is just crazy. If it is true then it would've been on the local news and it wasn't it makes it look kayfabe. I wish it's not true but nobody really know is it's true or not.  

  4. No, my uncle (a.k.a. The Undertaker)  said he is not faking and Orton said to him, the doctor who took his x-ray said he will be out for an 2 months but I'll come back Survivor Series.

  5. i agrree

  6. I think it's fake, because Randy Orton flew 30+ feet in the air, and the only injury he got was rebreaking his collarbone?   Sounds fishy!

  7. Yeah it prollyis fake

  8. I think it was completely fake. He will return during one of the Championchip scrambles and win. It would of atleast of been on the news somewhere, and what are the chances of him reinjuring himself in the same place as before.

  9. I still don't get how he could fly 300 feet going uphill.

  10. yeah i think your right

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