
Randy Orton vs Hulk Hogan At Wrestlemania 25?

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If he could wrestle anyone, it would be a rematch with Hulk Hogan as he wasn't happy about being beaten by a "walking plastic man" with a fake hip and fake knees.

Randy orton said that about Hogan & you know when a wrestler talks about another wrestler out side of wwe Meida picks it up & hulk hogan will hear about it & challage Orton to a match at WM25 i hope Vince can for give Hogan for leving WWE on good/bad terms &

Randy orton vs Hogan at WM25 i hope This match does happen even hogan is Old if Ric can wrestle than Hogan can too so

what are your thoughts on this match if it does happen




  1. If that did happen (which it wont), Hogan would win anyways. He would only wrestle for the WWE if 1. They paid him enough and 2. He is booked to win.

    And why waste Orton in a match like that at WM25 anyways?

  2. They already fought one you see and I do not believe that it is repeated

  3. all i got to say is....

    RKO!!! 1, 2, 3. DING DING DING.  

  4. Orton fight with no skill,he even not too strong to get hit and still standing.he won alot of the batlle just 'cause of cheating,lucky and mood,that's all,same thing with hogan, but he has a strong body.Hogan is getting old,so the winner is Randy

  5. thats not gonna happen hogan is not gonna wrestle again besides orton will be in a championship match

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