
Randy Paush of the last lecture has passed away? What was his last media appearance?

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I'm saddened to hear Randy has died. I wanted to ask the Internet community if anyone had seen if in the last month or so since I last read articles regarding both his health status and appearances, I want to know what his last final media appearances were, thankyou, I am looking for stuff in june and july.... thankyou if you could provide links that would be grateful.... for an essay I am writing in all due respect to this man.... thankyou.... please don't take offense at the rapidity with which I am asking....




  1. I know he was on Oprah not too long ago. You can find his appearance on her show on YouTube.

  2. Yes, I just read the news and it's extremely sad.  It really makes you wonder what it's all about, this life of yours I'm mean.  Why do such good people with so much to offer have to die so young when monsters like Osama Bin Ladin go on living and killing?  It just doesn't make any sense.

  3. WHO?

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