
Randy comments on injury

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it was on his randyorton fan website he writes to. You have to be a member of the forma to view it so I will just copy and paste what he said

i was ran off the road last night at 1030 by a car that had its hi beams on and was veering into m lane during a sharp turn a the top of a hill near my home. i had no choice but to crash, and was thrown 300 feet from the concrete block that sent me flying. i was traveling about 30 miles per hour. i'm lucky to be alive. i have some pretty severe skinned up areas such as my left knee right foot, and left shoulder trap. wwe. com should be posting that it wasn't 30 feet but 300 soon. i just called and bitched em out, for the typo. i was wearing a helmet, and if not for that i would have without a doubt been a goner. i see what the extent of my rebroken collarbone is tommorow. ill let you all know. the bike was a harley fat bob, and it was a rental. it is happy im alive, and that the bike wasn't mine. all i could think about was my daughter and samantha. God was definetly watching over me!!





  1. get well soon  

  2. gget well soon randy

    jesse the reason u kno that because u suck him off jackass

  3. ;(


  4. But that doesn't say anything about his vasectomy. Oh, wait. He never needed one to have no balls.

  5. I've never been much of an RKO fan, but I'm glad that he got out of this without serious injury, and hope he recovers from this soon.

  6. recover soon randy!!

  7. im glad hes ok i want him back in the ring asap hes great  

  8. Im glad hes iight cant wait to see him back in the ring soon one of my favs  

  9. I can't believe he got injured again. I was wanted to see him wrestle again. I was hoping he would be on Raw tonight

  10. RKO get well soon

  11. Man, poor Randy =/

    I hope he gets better soon. . Thank God for watching over that boy. I miss RAW without him. He's my favorite.


  13. i'm glad he's gonna be fine but we'll have to wait awhile to see him back in the ring

  14. ehhh i cant believe this

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