
Range of chest, nose and throat symptoms?

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I suffered from Bronchitis as a child, it then developed into asthma and grew out of it in my late teens. After having my first child, 6 months later we all got the flu. Since then (june 07) I haven't been the same. Re-occurring tonsillitis for one, with seldom colds and chestiness. Specialist said that I need the tonsils out, a month ago all of a sudden I got the greenest mucus out of my nose which lasted for weeks, blowing and blowing my nose, day in and day out. Now for the past two weeks I have a sore cough. I cough up green mucus, at night its more slimy/foamy consistency and it gets really bad. My chest seems to fill up at night, which makes me cough and until I clear the chest I just can't sleep for a second, neither can my daughter (now 17 months) or my husband. I also have laryngitis and pharyngitis. Doc now thinks that maybe Asthma is coming back, so I'm on ventolin, vitamins and antibiotics. Help! Sick of being sick.




  1. Did you have your tonsils out, it could be the real solution that is needed?

    By now common sense is that your immune system is so weak you are picking up secondary and third illnesses.

    Do what the specialist suggested, that is what you paid him for.

    Get rid of the primary culprit. the tonsils and the others  problems will fall by the way side.

    Sounds like now you are only treating symptoms.

  2. Use Kali b***h 30 -three doses of three globules a day for maximum three days.   Symptoms Chronic catarrhal inflammations of the pharynx and cough.  The expectoration will be stringy.  Dark green.  It sticks to the pharynx and tongue.  After coughing and raising the mucus, you will have to blow the nose to get a sense of relief.  Follow it by Antim Tart 30 three doses a day for as long as you want to clear up the chest of all phlegm.  Antim Tart will be very good for lungs.  If there is smell from mouth or odour from the body use Mercurius Sol.  30 one single dose.  This will also correct the ill effects of some of the antibiotics.  One or two doses of Pulsatilla will also help if there is spurting of urine during cough.  best wishes.

    The above is an information.  Medcines should be used only under consultation with a doctor.

    PS:  Removing Tonsils would be a folly whatever be the reasons.  They are the sentries which stops foreign invasion.Removing it means a free access to germs.  If other system is strong enough one would get a way with it for some time, whenever the body life forces are weak, the absence of Tonsils will become more and more evident.  It should be resorted to only as ultimate choice.

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