I suffered from Bronchitis as a child, it then developed into asthma and grew out of it in my late teens. After having my first child, 6 months later we all got the flu. Since then (june 07) I haven't been the same. Re-occurring tonsillitis for one, with seldom colds and chestiness. Specialist said that I need the tonsils out, a month ago all of a sudden I got the greenest mucus out of my nose which lasted for weeks, blowing and blowing my nose, day in and day out. Now for the past two weeks I have a sore cough. I cough up green mucus, at night its more slimy/foamy consistency and it gets really bad. My chest seems to fill up at night, which makes me cough and until I clear the chest I just can't sleep for a second, neither can my daughter (now 17 months) or my husband. I also have laryngitis and pharyngitis. Doc now thinks that maybe Asthma is coming back, so I'm on ventolin, vitamins and antibiotics. Help! Sick of being sick.