
Rangers fans ! what do you think of Murray's interview ??

by Guest63673  |  earlier

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  1. Shock- Murray is saying all the right things, everything you would expect someone who is under intense pressure and wannting out to say. Murray wants out and it won't matter whether its the right person or not who comes in with a bid, if they give him the oney he wants he is out of there faster than a bat outta h**l with a bullet up his ***!!

  2. not a gers fan but wanted the two points lol

    to be honest with all the Fans now saying they want him out, if i was murray id just go, and watch the club fall to pieces

  3. I liked and yes I know probably a lot of fans won't believe what he has said about the not wanting to sell,but there is nothing he can do if a player wants to go.Yes he knew about the clause in Cuellars contract but it's not like he was going to make it public beforehand was he.Most players have a clause like that in their contract.

    I for one never wanted rid of him and still don't.The rangers fans have to look at the bigger picture and realise we could have someone like Romanov in charge of us,then we would be buggered.

  4. did i hear he's goin to put money into asda wisely

    seen a bit of it and good luck to him

    as you know it makes sense

  5. think he made quite a few good points..if a player wants to go then what can be he says he wants to sell so all the ones who are mouthing off about buying put their money up or shut up..i still don't think we really have anything to fear...i await all the original minty moonbeams answers..watp...still not 100% about selling anymore players..but what the h**l..mon the gers x

    i think he means he's not intending to sell but if a player wants to go then so be it...pity he can't get rid of that muppet cousin though

    do you think if i won the euro million tomorrow i could buy theGer's..:-)..xx

    SAFC..i don't think they all want him out...emotions were running a bit high the other night with the carlos thing..we will test the waters and see what happens with the a few have said i think the media and internet frenzy has been ott

  6. All the talk is, of this clause in his contract. Did this clause really exist? If it did exist, why was it not brought up in this clear the air meeting last week, when watty said cuellar was staying? Why did no one know about it until he was gone? Lies upon more lies.

  7. The man's between a rock and a hard place.Fans will find it hard to believe him after what was said at the last meeting.

  8. not A rangers fan..but may I answer?

    he said nothing any different to what he said before Cuellar went to be honest..see the honesty should have been in his first interview last week, he knew there was a clause so could have said we are not selling BUT.....

    he made no reassurances to the fans that nobody else would be sold...just a mumbled we dont intend to sell line

    he said they are working 24/7 to sign new players but wishes they knew 2 weeks before? the Sun printed a story of him leaving a week before...surely he had an inkling?

    I truly hope when he said it's difficult to sign players in this short period it wasn't a cover to say we aren't signing anyone or we will have to sign old players with the time left.

    Anyway what do I's your choice of what to believe as he is your chairman

  9. first i think he read my post last night;...   we are caught up in media & web hype caused by arsses posting shyite mostly from tims (fs if yahoos not evidence of that ) but also from them that are easy influenced on our own side (fs yahoo deja vu) which to me is treachery Walter was shattered by the way Cuellar left us in the shyite and so was Murray & Bain thats evident from the way he`s talking but thats in the past. Results talk and Saturdays got a bit o speaking to do and when he said let someone step up~to the mark He is right,i cant see anyone with the head or the cash behind them like him his trouser`s are lined wi Queens heads and if he`s got spend his own Again on the right Player i think he will ! the only bit i didnt agee on was "when we had debt we got criticised" bit. i didny give a flying foulk about it, but he did he`s a businessman first and foremost and being in-debt is against all ethics to i`v been in debt and i didny lose a wink!

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