
Rangers possably getting kicked out of the NHL?

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The Rangers management is suing the NHL for charging them money for not turning their website over. SO the NHL rule says that if a franchise sues the NHL they can be thrown out of the NHL. So whats your opinion. I think that they aren't going to get kicked out




  1. nah. theres too many rangers fans, and they must generate a lot of mony so the NHL arnt going to be too hasty about it.

    plus joey and chandler wouldnt be happy...

  2. They threatened to kick the owners out of the league...not the Rangers franchise

  3. This all will be worked out.  Rangers are not getting kicked, theres no way

  4. No but expect the NHL to hold the reins on the Rangers. They wouldn't risk destroying the NYC fan base (yes, Islanders are New York) a******s./ Anyway, the Dolan regime is over in New York. They're nothing but greedy b******s who only pride themselves in money, not the franchises they own. NHL wins the case by the way. Factor being: NHL has supreme rights to all the teams websites

  5. they wont get kicked out theyre one of the 6 original teams

  6. They just want to get rid of the owners.  An original 6 team wont be going anywhere.

  7. The Rangers won't be kicked out. The NHL is considering kicking the owners of the team out as payback because they dared sue the NHL over the team website control and accuse the NHL of violating anti-trust laws.  

    If this happens, the Rangers could possibly be kicked out of MSG since the Rangers and The Garden are owned by the same corporate entity.  If they strip the team from the owners, will the ownership retaliate by stripping the arena from the team.....

  8. they're not gunna get kicked out of the NHL! they're one of the most popular teams in the league!!!

  9. Well this has already been discussed in this section when the story basically broke. Anyway the FRANCHISE isn't going to be kicked out. The League is trying to have the OWNERS removed. Once they are removed the league will run it until new owners are found and approved, don't worry the team is going no where and the NHL has run teams before. The real issue as I see it is that the group that owns the Rangers owns MSG, where they play. Considering that where are the Rangers going to play if the owners don't let them have a contract.

  10. The Rangers wouldn't be kicked out the league, but the owners would (forced to sell).

    Whatever happens, the Rangers aren't going anywhere and neither are the fans.

  11. Wrong. the NHL is considering stripping the team from the owners or forcing them to sell it. The team will still exist. The rangers will compete in the NHL.

    And that may never happen. It seems like a strong arm negotiation tactic to me.

    The NHL never has and never will consider disbanding a team, especially an original six franchise, and especially the Rangers. But They very well may kick out the owners. I say that they have about a 50% chance of following through with kicking out the owners or forcing them to sell.

  12. no, it is an original 6 team

  13. Its all political and publicity so there is no way there getting booted out....

    These are standing teams as far as I am concerned no Kansas City Penguins and no X-rangers

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