
Rank my fantasy football team any suggestions are welcome!?

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QB- Drew Brees

RB- Steven Jackson

RB- Ronnie Brown

RB/WR- Selvin Young

WR- Larry Fitzgerald

WR- Santonio Holmes

TE- Chris Cooley

D/ST- Seahawks

K- Shayne Graham

BE- Donald Driver

BE- David Garrard

BE- Tatum Bell

BE- Ben Obomanu

BE- L.J. Smith

BE- Chester Taylor

BE- Vincent Jackson




  1. QB - Brees should have a big season this year. He will have to throw a ton of passes because the running game in New Orleans is going to be weak. McAllister's knees are shot, and it won't be long before he is out.

    Garrard is an very good back up. He fills in during the bye week well. He doesn't get a ton of stats, but he doesn't hurt your team either with stupid mistakes.

    RB - Jackson is a great pick. He is in a contract dispute, but the Rams know if they don't sign him they will have no hope of competing with other teams.

    Ronnie Brown is the starter in Miami for now, but watch that sitation closely, they say Ricky Williams is stepping up strong in camp.

    Selvin Young should start in Denver, but that offense is struggling. He has yet to prove he can be "the guy" the broncos can lean on. And with not much for WRs, they will have to hope the running game can carry them.

    T. Bell is expected to start in Detroit, but I don't think he will amount to anything special. He was supposed to come in last year and tear it up, and he stank it up instead.

    Chester Taylor is good to have if Peterson gets hurt, and he will carry the ball 10 - 20 times a game. He proved last year he can break what plays he does get open so he may not be a weekly big producer, in the right match up he can help you out.

    WR - Fitzgerald is a top 5 WR in the league no doubt, great pick.

    Holmes will be the top producer at the WR position for the Steelers. Hines Ward is fading fast, so Big Ben will be looking to Holmes first on every passing down.

    Driver is a great pick as well. It doesn't matter if it Favre or Rodgers throwing the ball, he gets open and has turned into a very good fantasy WR.

    Vincent Jackson is a big physical WR that has all the talents to become a good WR, but he has yet to reach his potential.

    He also dropped some big passes last season.

    I do think he will improve this year, and will get 1,000 yards.

    Obomanu looks good to some people because the Seahawks are having injury problems at the WR position. But in reality, he really doesn't have much value. Maybe he will prove me wrong, but I wouldn't waste a roster spot with him.

    TE - There isn't much point difference between most TEs, but Cooley is a big part of the Redskin offense and he will get you some decent points.

    LJ Smith has come back this year and is determined to be a top TE in the league. Watch him, he may just turn into a great source of points for you.

    Seahawks should have a very good defense. coach Homgran always does.

    Overall you are looking pretty good.

    Good luck.

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