
Rank these: Hawaii, Bahamas, Jamaica, Key West, Australia (Consider surfing, scuba diving, night life, etc.)?

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Rank these: Hawaii, Bahamas, Jamaica, Key West, Australia (Consider surfing, scuba diving, night life, etc.)?




  1. LOVE Hawaii. Has everything and more.

    Hate the Bahamas. The people there are not accomodating.

    Hate Jamaica, scary and full of crime.

    Key West has no good beaches because it is all coral.

    Australia is a long flight but gorgeous.

    Best diving? Belize in the Caribbean or Tahiti then Hawaii.

    I love Maui. You can rent your own tanks from a local dive shop and just go diving off the shore at Kanaapali or north to Kapalua by yourself with a buddy. I like to stay in Lahaina for the nightlife.

  2. Jamaica, Australia, Hawaii, Bahamas, Key West

  3. For diving, I would go Cozumel, Grand Caymen, Roatan, Grand Turk. Nassau has a cool shark dive you can do.  Key West and Jamaica diving sucks.

  4. Hawaii, Austrailia, Jamaica, Key West

    Hawaii and Austrailia are kinda a toss up though.  Aussie has the Great Barrier Reef, Hawaii is known for surfing and still has awesome dives. I just think Hawaii would have a more appealing nighlife with all the luaus and beautiful scenery.  And I figure it is probably cheaper to fly there too.

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