
Ranting needed! What is something that really bothers you about people?

by  |  earlier

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Tell me just 1 thing that other people do that bother you and don't use my example. Example: I hate when people get mad about other people making a joke about a race, s*x, disability. In the news, there is a controversy about the new Ben Stiller movie and how it portrays disabled people badly. All I have to say is "GET OVER IT". Jokes are being made about everyone and everything, they're not to make people angry, they're made to make people laugh. If you can't laugh at yourself, you have no sense of humor, and if you have no problem with the jokes that may have something to do with you then why should anyone else. A disabled person enjoys a comedy as much as anyone else and that's all that movie is, a comedy!




  1. Its when people are not themselves.

    Grrrr!! Its justl like be yourself coz youre gunna get caught out and are gunna look like a utter idiot and.....

    If i carry on i'll get flagged for my language. I don't want my account cancelled.

    I'm getting worked up about this, and i totally agree about yours too.  

  2. something that irradiates me is when people smoke in my face. I have no problem with them smokeing, but its just when theres many peole around you you just happend to be by them and they know your there but they puff at you anyways, its so rude.

    this is a big one too****** im 16 going on 17, and my little sister is 10. im friends with her on myspace but her friends from school have really S****y pics. and i know some of them and they are nice and cute but i mean, come on!!

  3. ok here is my rant


    I hate when people don't tip. They say thank you when they leave and let me know they had a great time, but they leave no tip at the table. how rude and cheap...

  4. I get REALLY irritated at people who are dumb.  While ALL kinds of dumb people irritate me, for the purposes of this post, I am limiting it to one kind.  I hate people who cannot recognize that I have invalidated their argument.  For example, this girl that works for me swears that she came in at 7am today and "forgot" to punch in.  I told her "I saw you come in, and it was right after 'lucy'." To which she responds "Yes, that's right".  So we walk over to the time clock, and I find "lucy's" time card.  Lucy punched in at 7:12 am.

    So I ask her how she could have possibly been her at 7:00 if she was AFTER "lucy" and she says "well, I was here at 7, so you can think whatever you want because its my word against whatever you think"


  5. heather mills and people like her.

    they crawl and slither into other people's lives then try to destroy them by stealing their friends and reputation by acting very innocent and wanting pity.

  6. when people breath reallly loud in my ear .  

  7. People who let other people dictate their opinions, rather than researching it themselves and hearing both sides of the issue first.

  8. they way ppl are so willing to believe a stereotype and group all ppl in one category because of something you've seen in a movie or someone one you met that you didnt like so now that entire group of ppl is bad...overall i dont live closed minded ppl

  9. When people drive slow in the fast lane. It is the passing lane, not a late to putt along. If you don't want to even come close to the speed limit, then get over!  

  10. g*y

  11. Not really much of anything bothers me about other people.  I just figure different strokes for different folks.  Life is too short and too busy to be bothered by the actions of others.  

    Don't take life too seriously, you not going to make it out alive anyway.

  12. people who think they're amazing and that gives them the right to treat other people like ****, and make them feel badly, when they're probably the ones that are the lowest of the low, to get their jollies from poking fun at people. they p**s me off !! :-)

  13. my biggest pet peeve is people who are self-centered and self-absorbed and who think they are just entitled to everything... which unfortunately seems to be a large part of the population.

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