
Raped by my half brother and now im pregnant?

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i was raped by my half brother and now im pregnant. should i get an abortion or go through with the pregnancy?




  1. First, im so sorry.

    did you tell somebody, like your mom or dad?

    i would never advise abortion but the baby might come out retarded or sick because its your half brother and you guys are related.  

  2. I would have an abortion.

  3. That's a choice only you can make. If you go through with the pregnancy you will have a daily reminder of what happened to you, but if you abort the baby, you could have the guilt from that, so either way you're in a bad situation.

    Is there someone you trust you can talk to to maybe help you decide what to do?

    In reality you should be getting him charged, especially if you are underage but that might be a hard decision to make aswell.

    I wish you all the best.

  4. First of all, why is the mother eff-er not in jail?  Secondly, the child has a high risk of having birth defects, so it might be beneficial for you not to continue the pregnancy.

  5. Do whatever is best for you !

    I'm sorry for what happen...   :-{

  6. Wow, that'spretty big for an anonymous Yahoo crowd.  What does your family say?  Do they know?  Do you have a support system?  I am pro choice but it IS such a permanent solution.  That is just really big.  Too big.  I hope you have support to work thru this.  I am pro choice for exactly the kind of situation you find yourself in...extreme situations.  Abortion is not to be taken lightly and should only be considered (to me) in certain circumstances.... and you sure have  2 big ones that muddy the water.  I guess I'm no help here, I don't feel strangers can guide you to the decision that will be right for you and right for the rest of your life.  Best wishes.

  7. omg i'm so sorry. get an abortion. Your baby could turn out with health problems. Plus you don't want a daily reminder of what happened. You should get counseling so that this doesn't affect your life.  

  8. Before you go jumping up and aborting the baby! A good friend of mine just went threw this.  Her little girl turned out okay she carried the baby threw to full term, now she has my girl friend has fetal alcohol syndrome so it made it worse for her because she didn't understand what was happening to her she is very sweet but very slow.  She gave the baby up to a good family and the child turned out fine.  But go to your doctor and get more options, tell your parents too they will listen to you and help you make the right choice you don't have to be alone in doing this.  I wish you all the best.  

  9. Do what you feel is best for you! I'm sorry this happened.

  10. First off, how old are you? If you are underage then you need to tell a trusted adult. Also no one can make this decision but you. It is true that the risk of the baby having some sort of genetic disease especially amongst siblings, including half siblings is very high. You need to see a doctor and talk to them about your options. I'm so sorry this happened to you.  

  11. please do not consider abortion. i know it is hard to have a child from rape but it wasnt the baby's fault so please dont kill it. adoption is the best option.

    and btw, deformities are myths..theres about a 2% chance..

  12. That is horrible! I am so sorry something like this has happened. You really need to tell someone about this, he is a sick person who needs to be held accountable for what he has done. This is not your fault. As for the pregnancy, you need to do what is best for you in this instance. I'm not usually one in favor of abortion, but under these type circumstances it is certainly understandable. There are possible health problems that can arise from such a close genetic connection for the baby, but there is also the whole dilemma of trying to explain how he/ she came about when the child is old enough to wonder & ask questions. It would seem quite confusing & you definitely wouldn't want the child to feel at fault for anything or be victim to any resentment you may have over the trauma you suffered(not that you would intentionally be that way.) You could try to go on with the pregnancy with a Doctor's supervision, but if you do you should be honest about the whole situation as everything you say is in confidence. That way they would be even more thorough in looking for signs of anything.  Adoption is an alternative if you want to have it & don't think you could deal with the father & painful reminder. It really is a personal choice & depends on how much you think you can handle with this. You should talk to a trusted family member, they may be the best support & be able to help you figure things out. Seeing a counsellor was a really good idea, you should definitely go either way & if you don't have any trusted family members to confide in, that would be a good place to start. I really feel for you & my thoughts & prayers are with you. Best wishes..

  13. that's incest.. you could have a deformed child from that. but thats noones decison but yours. good luck

  14. im so sorry.. i know what rape is like. i was raped last summer as well, and it has been a traumatizing year.

    but also, this is incest... im not saying that should move you to abort it, but he/she could be born with major deformities and defects..

    talk to your parents. they're there to help. that's why all throughout life they say "we want you to talk to us about anything"

    they really mean that.. not just the small stuf.. they want you to feel comfortable telling them everything.

    this is huge, i would look into greivance counseling asap.

  15. Sorry for the way you got preg, but don't kill it, give it up for adoption, lots of families would love to give it a good home.

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