
Rapes in the military, Preventable?

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I just got done watching a news story about a woman who was in the military, was raped by another soldier.

Now, dont you think this could be preventable? Isn't this one of the reasons WOMEN SHOULD NOT BE IN THE MILITARY?

Im not saying women dont have a right to defending their country, but this was inevitable. Does anyone think that rapes in the military will come to a complete slow or end if women wern't allowed in the military?




  1. Well that's your typical news anti-military bias.  To make a statement like that, that women are more likely to be raped than shot by enemy forces..., while it might sound like a profound thing to point out, isn't profound at all, since woman are not allowed in combat arms, front line forces.

  2. How many rapes occur outside the military? Isn't that reason enough to keep women off the street? Perhaps we should wear blankets that cover us from head  to toe? Do you think that would stop it?

    The only reason it makes the news is that it happens so infrequently as to be newsworthy. I venture to say that for every "rape" in the military, there are a thousand outside the military. Those don't make the news because there are so many of them.

    I'm not saying it should be overlooked. I'm saying put it in perspective. I know women in the military who've slept around. I know women in the military who haven't. Both grouops have some training in self defense. Anybody who tries to mess with them against their wishes is going to be singing soprano, and is going to have three Adam's apples. In that sense, I think women in the military are generally safer from rape than civilian women.

    While not having women in the military might stop military women from being raped (because there wouldn't be any), it don't think it would prevent rape. There are some idiots who still won't get the message. And there will likely be some of them that make into the military.

  3. How about this for a thought, RAPISTS SHOULD NOT BE IN THE MILITARY.  The innocent should not have to suffer consequences for the actions of a few dispicable law-breaking inhuman people.

  4. Rapes anywhere are preventable to some degree or another though it might take extreme measures to prevent them and should not happen but if they do the rapist should be severly punished.  By your way of thinking women would be kept under lock, key and heavy gaurd by multiple people (to keep a watch on the other guards) at home at all times because they might be raped.  Women are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier then shot by an enemy is true but then woman don't get shot in combat very much because they are not in combat arms so the likelyhood is very low of that happening.  Most females in the military are in "traditional" jobs involving admin and logistics sides so they are not in as much danger as a infantryman out on patrol.  I will also guaruntee you that the odds of a rapist getting caught and punished is much higher in the military then in the general civilian justice system.  Rapist are seldom caught in civilian life but are caught much more frequently in the military system; easier to do things when it is a smaller population to look at combined with not as many "Constitutional" protections; some times a good thing and some times not but in this case a good thing.  If you did not allow any women in the military then military women wouldn't be raped is true but that just means more likely to be raped as civilians by a civilian.  Last statistic I saw had college campuses being one of the highest incidences of rape, mainly "date rape", so women should not be allowed in institutions of higher education either I would assume from your statements.

  5. rapes are not preventable, you can reduce the odds of being a rape victim, but not prevent it unfortunatly.

    women in the military is not what caused rapes, what caused the rape was a nut job not worth spit acting on his selfish sexual deviant thoughts. he would have raped someone whether or not they were in the military.

  6. it should be preventable...i don't think that i want a soldier defending me who would rape another individual...that would make him a criminal and he has no business being in the military

  7. No, it will not end.Dont you know who was guilty for the lost Paradise , it was Eve.Women are Sin , Weakness and Temptation ( as Church says ).


  8. In any of the Navy commands, several with women in them, that I have been a part of, there have been no cases of rape or sexual assault.  I can not say that of any of the universities that I have attended.  Though the campuses are relatively small, both universities have had at least one rape or sexual assault reported each year.  Are you saying that women should not go to college with men?  

    Where as the military has training in the prevention of sexual assault (the Navy has a yearly requirement for all sailors to attend the training), many colleges and universities do not.  

  9. In any profession, there is a contact between bot sexes. What should we do? If we follow your comments Sir/Madam, it means that we should stop hiring women everywhere. Women get hurt in many professions.  

  10. Any place where you have a large population of men and women you will have the possibility of rape, military or civilian. To stop it in the military would be about as easy as stopping it all together. Women actually have a much lower chance of being raped in the military than in the population as a whole,

  11. This is not a reason why women shouldn't be in the military. That means they should not be in college or nowhere near men  at work or home (or near  other women in prison either). And what about men who get raped? In the military? We have that too?

    So stop thinking so narrow-minded.

    I work with female Soldiers daily now and even before when I was infantry for 16 years, we weren't going around raping everybody or thinking about it. You watch ONE story and came to this decision? Glad you don't work on Capitol Hill.

    Plus, I work in JAG and I see the true stats, worldwide and all the cases (if needed). Some things are hype and false accusations. Folks caught and stories changed to prevent embarassment. Rape does happen...yes, but not enough for medieval times.

    What next, no voting for women?

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