
Raport about information technology in tourism in Mexico?

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the impact on Mexico of using IT, the competitive advantage gained and the role that IT plays within Mexico. Any suggestions what my raport should contain?




  1. Not only tourism ... Mexico has web sites for everything

    I can check or pay my phone bill, electric and satellite TV service on line.  Real estate, shopping, message boards, music artists, government information, etc.   Computers and Internet are in most schools

    Same as the US but just slightly less developed

  2. Well IT has been useful in the marketing of touristic areas, theres a web page that the mexican government use with this goal, but its also useful 4 tourists cause here they can get the info they need.

    U can mayb also talk abt the computer programs that hotels use like Fidelio or New Hotel 4 having a better control of all the things going on in the different areas of the hotel.

    There r also some touristic info usits that the government has installed in the most important touristic places like in playa del carmen. This r small cabins with a compu where u can obtain info abt the place, the sorroundings, what 2 do there, etc.

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