
Rare Coins in my collection?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna know if some coins i have are worth anything. Maybe you could give me the values or just a link to a site that would have them? Anything will help! Please and thankyou!

1993 $5 peso (probably not worth anything just cool right?)

1936 Indian head nickel that someone put a hole thru and made it into a necklace

A chinese quarter i believe. Its round and has 4 chinese symbols going around it with a square hole in the middle. On the back it has two very curly chinese symbols. I have no idea what year it is.

1963 hong kong dime with queen elizabeth the second on the front

1987 Bermuda penny with Elizabeth II on the front and a pig on the back

Two pennies that were broken in half that I found washed up at the Atlantic Ocean. I have no idea what date.

1983 Lincoln Penny. The memorial on the back is the same side up as the head. In other words if youre looking at Lincoln right side up and you turn the penny around with out flipping it you'll see the memorial right side up. Not in the greatest condition.

1978 half eire. It has a harp on the front and some sort of bird curling its neck around twice and touching it's beak to it's feet. I have no idea what country it's from or if it's out of circulatoin. I got it from a grocery store because they thought it was a penny.

Canadian Penny with a flying bird on the back and the date is from 1867-1967

A bunch of regular canadian pennies dating from 73-81 and 1 thats an 06 and one thats a '91

A canadian penny dated 1946. On the front it says Georgivs VI D:G: Rex ET IND: IMP: and there's a picture of a man

A bunch of American pennies that have an s under the date. All from early 70's

Three all silver dimes (no copper around the edge)

Two dimes with p's over the date

One dime with a p under the date.

Three nickels with p's under the date

A quarter with a p to the right of the head

A 2002 5 cent euro piece

Aton of regular american pennies without a letter under the date (d,s,p)

Aton of regular american pennies from before 1981

I know that's alot to take in but i've been wondering for a long time if i had anything that was worth something. Please tell me!





  1. Sorry but none of the coins you have are rare or even scarce they are also to new. Even the silver dimes are only worth .70 to .80 cents each. The one interesting coin is the Chinese cash coin. It is not a quarter but a one cash coin. From your description it is a Ch'ing dynasty coin cast from 1644-1911. The Characters on the obverse ( 4 of them) would be the emperors reign title, that would tell me who the emperor was. This dynasty was not Chinese but were Manchurians and the funny writing on the back is in Manhu not Chinese. They are the marks that would tell where the coin was cast, they are mint marks so to speak. I would need to see the coin to help further here. On U.S. coin we use coin alignment that is if you turn a U.S. coin from the bottom to the top the back is up right. If you turn it left to right the back is upside down. The coins of Canada have a medal allignment if turned left to right they both sides are the same way but if you do top to bottom the reverse is upside down. Hope I have helped some here.

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