
Rare animal species?

by  |  earlier

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i have a bird here (which is dead) it has a black feathers and white on the body has charasteristics of a humming bird and has a black color on the tip of the beak




  1. probly maybe endangered? :)

  2. If you call your local zoo, wildlife rescue center or your local parks system they should be able to tell you what it is.  Take a few photos to send to them and dispose of the body.

  3. picture?

    sorry, someone once tried to convince me that she saw a "blue duck" which turned out to be a great blue heron.

    need something more to go from.

  4. That isn't much information to go on. Can you post a picture?

    BTW, don't touch it. Notify the local Department of Health; they may be interested in testing it for West Nile virus.

  5. Here?  As on Earth somewhere?

    There are not any black hummingbirds in North America.  The primary color in North American hummers is green.
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