
Rare belly button question about my 5 month old, please help?

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When my daughter was born her umbilical stump did not fall off so when she went to the doctors they first cut the tip of it off then in another visit they put silver nitrate on it and it still did not completely come off. Now she is going to have surgery to have it removed and i'm scared to death. They risk of anything happening is very low b/c it's not something really serious but she's 5 months old and they have to put her completely under. What if she's allergic to the meds they use or what if it bleeds and won't stop? Has anyone ever had to have this done on their little one? And how do they act after they get out of surgery?




  1. They will give her an oral med. to put her under. If there was risk in your family, than discuss that with your Dr. otherwise, express your concern of worry, and they will hopefully keep a watch -- during the first few minutes to make sure there is no immediate reaction. if there is no immediate reaction then there is probably no reason to worry. Also discuss your concern of the bleeding with the Dr.

    While I did not have a 5 month undergo surgery, I did have a 16 month and 21 month (different kids) who underwent surgery, but for different procedures from yours (and one from the other). The 16 month was still nursing, and wanted to nurse the minute she came to. The nurses weren't letting me, because they were worried about her swallowing reflex. But after 5 minutes or so, I fed her anyway, I told them I'd listen out for swallowing, and would stop if I didn't hear her swallow. She was so excited when I finally nursed her (she couldn't calm down before then) and she nursed no problem.

    My son wasn't nursing by the time he had his surgery, but drank very well from a cup. By the time they let me come see him in the recovery room he was already up and screaming and had pulled out the IV from his arm. He was up long enough to drink a bit from the cup of water we offered him, got the nurse to watch him drink, and he went straight back to sleep after that.

  2. dint worry so much your baby will be fine it's a minor op and your baby is in the safest place these people know what they are doing , i know its hard not to worry as I'm a mother of three myself. but I'm sure things will be fine ,  

  3. Talk to Dr. ask how long under for find out if family problems with drugs related to surgery and every other ? comes to mind.

    You are not going to be at ease until it's over good luck God bless.

  4. well, first of all, relax.i know it's hard but it's easier to think when you can relax.take three BIG deep breaths.  first of all, if your baby is allergic to anything, it's a hospital, a simple small shot of benydral can fix the reaction and if the sugery is minor she won't bleed to death.

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