
Rare blood types?

by Guest63424  |  earlier

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My husband and I have rare blood types his is in the 1% and mine 6% of the population.iT is the RH NEG blood type.I was reading about it and it was from a mutation 25,000 yrs ago they think.But I think its a diff tribe.The others with normal blood type have the rhenis monkey antigen where we dont.How do u have a mutation?




  1. It is only your offspring that may, or may not, represent  a successful mutation (a new Blood Type)...

    "O" was the original human Blood Type, from which "A" successfully mutated, then "B" also mutated from "O" several thousand years later...

    "AB" is a combination of Blood Types "A" & "B"...

    And, all human Blodd Types have an RH factor which is either + or --

    Usually 85% are +

    and 15% are --

    In the most recent statistics, Blood Types by % are:





  2. Mutations are examples of evolution but on the microscopic level.

    Anytime something in nature changes, it's due to an external influence which causes it to happen.  The changes are usually as a "repair" mechanism or as an enhancement.

    At the time that it happened, the change was biologically necessary.  The problem with mutations though, is that once there is no necessity for the change any longer, many of the mutations stay and then become a problem in themselves.

    A good example of this is Sickle Cell Anemia.  When this mutation occurred, it was the prevention for catching malaria; that is, it was the immunity.  Even though people died from it then, multitudes of people were dying from malaria before it's introduction, so in relative terms, the casualty rate from the SCA was low.

    Now that malaria is not a huge threat except in some areas around the world, the SCA is viewed as the threat.  And even though malaria is not widespread, the SCA mutation has not gone away or reversed itself.  Now it's the problem.
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