
Rash on my legs/groin need help?

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About 6-8 days ago (forgot the exact day) I noticed a rash (it itched kinda bad) on my left leg up around my groin. There were a couple of red bumps alone and a big red splotch a couple of inches long made up of a group of bumps (kind of like an oval). It was also on my s*****m. The rash hasn't gone away, but has gotten less red and irritated looking, but it is still red/pink. It has since spread to my right leg in the same area. Today I noticed that all of the bumps were scabbed over. I got several heat rashes over the summer because I was mowing a lot of lawns, but they were further back and I haven't been mowing as much and they went away in a day or two. My mom changed washing detergents a little before I got the rash. Also, I have never had s*x. Does anyone know what it might be or if the detergent is what caused it?




  1. it kind of sounds like a yeast/fungal infection.  Yes, men can get yeast infections.  Yeast love the nice moist area under your ballsac and thrive there.  if you are moving around a lot and an opening in your skin gets created (from a scratch, abrasion etc) then they get right under your skin and cause an angry red patch that spreads pretty quickly.  Does it kind of remind you of diaper rash? (

    You can use an anti-fungal cream from walgreens or any other pharmacy.  Use it OFTEN, and do not stop using it - even after the rash has gone away - for at least a week after.  Fungi are extremely hard to kill, and even this may not kill it.  If you want to try this, make sure you are wearing boxers, washing the area with soap and letting it dry before applying the cream.  You want the area to be as dry as possible, all of the time.  Fungi hate dry environments and you can use this to your advantage.  You may end up having to go to the doctor where he will put you on an oral anti-fungal pill like diflucan as well as a cream.

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