About 6-8 days ago (forgot the exact day) I noticed a rash (it itched kinda bad) on my left leg up around my groin. There were a couple of red bumps alone and a big red splotch a couple of inches long made up of a group of bumps (kind of like an oval). It was also on my s*****m. The rash hasn't gone away, but has gotten less red and irritated looking, but it is still red/pink. It has since spread to my right leg in the same area. Today I noticed that all of the bumps were scabbed over. I got several heat rashes over the summer because I was mowing a lot of lawns, but they were further back and I haven't been mowing as much and they went away in a day or two. My mom changed washing detergents a little before I got the rash. Also, I have never had s*x. Does anyone know what it might be or if the detergent is what caused it?