
Raspberry noise I make, makes lights and TV go '''wavy"?

by  |  earlier

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I I make a raspberry noise with my mouth while I look at the TV or the LED clock on the microwave, the TV picture and the Digits go wavy and start dance about. If I play about with the pitch of the sound, I can get some really extreme effects and get the numbers to bounce slowly about 10cm up and down in opposite directions in a Mexican wave pattern. Does anyone else know what I'm going on about and if so, how many people exactly will be making raspberry noises for the same purpose at any one instant? Thanks :)




  1. I think you are witnessing the phenomenon of aliasing.

    I think the LED display on your microwave is probably not steady -- it really is flashing at a rate too rapid to notice.  The TV signal is also being drawn at a certain frame rate.

    When you buzz your lips you make your eyes jiggle a little and when you manage to find a rate that's close to a multiple of the TV scan rate you get a slow motion sort of strobe effect.

    I think it's like the "wagon wheel" effect when a movie camera takes a film of the spokes of a wheel in motion.  Depending upon the rate of rotation of the wheel and the frame rate of the camera, the spokes may look motionless or even appear to go backward.

    I'll have to experiment with this, too...

  2. what on earth is a rasberry noise, ive been waiting to see who else answers i know now what noise you are talking about...i just didnt know what a rasberry sounded

    as for whats happening, i have no idea....i effect street lights by my energy, and i find that amusing, looks like you have been amusing your self too...does it happen every single time??? i can walk under 100 street lights and soon as i walk under them, they start blinking, and then as i walk away they stop then the next one will start, and all the way around the blocks,

  3. I think Kelly doesn't have any kids...and maybe Australians don't do the. When you were a baby...did anyone ever "blow" on your belly and make a noise doing it? Or, did you ever see a baby stick out his/her tongue (esp. while eating) and blow and make a noise? And, didn't you ever see an adult do this at a baby while making a funny face. You usually get spit all over you and them ...and the floor. LOL Think about it.I'm sure it'll come back to you! (Kelly might need to be hypnotized to remember that far back!!LOL

       As for the question...No...I don't have that much power . I never heard of this before. Have you tried turning off street lights? Maybe you have a form of SLIders. Google it! (Kelly has it!)

    pd...You made me REALLY LOL...I could just imagine you making a "raspberry"!! You looked SO FUNNY!! Now mirko..with that baby face...he'd look cute!! I think we ought to set a time on here and EVERYBODY do a "raspberry" at the same time. Reckon' what would happen to the world???? Thomas Edison would probably come back(in spirit) and jerk a knot in us!!!

  4. I have noticed this before.  I find it works best when looking at a digital clock.  I assume it's a frequency thing, like when you video tape a video tape and you get the lines indicating the images are out of sync.

  5. TV and LED displays are actually flashing. They flash much more quickly than the eye can detect. Try shaking the clock to see it flash. If you wave your hand in front a TV you will see lots of fingers because the light from the TV is flashing (at 60 times per second).

    Anyway, when you do a raspberry, you are causing your eyes to vibrate and you get a similar effect as above. Also, if you vary the vibration, then at certain frequencies you will be "in sync" with the flashing TV or LED and you can get some interesting effects.

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