
Rat Breeding?

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I would like to breed rats and I'm currently researching them. Please tell me anything you know about them or something particularly interesting, or just a funny story etc. ANYTHING! O and if i could get some info on rat breeding like if da male and female should always stay in the same cage, breeding cages, regular cages, etc. thanks :)




  1. it is very unlikely that a rat will eat her babies, a male may attack them and possibly eat them so it\s best to have the mother and babies alone. If youre going to breed rats you need to be a responsible rat breeder and responsibility means knowing what you're doing. Don't breed rats that you don't know their heath history or their parents history as you could be having a litter who all will end up getting tumors ect only breed a rat if you know the info you need about health, if they have a good temporament and no nervousness or aggression and then lastly for looks. there are also types of genetics if carried by both rats that can be deadly! please google rat breeding and read several different sites and if you still are thinking of breeding after that.. breed responsibly. Also you have to be willing to home all the babys if you cant find them homes... litters can be as big as 22 rats! this gets expensive! good luck

  2. Right off hand, I know that the Mom might eat the babies after birth, I they are sick! :O   I'll list a guide, and for a tip; a doe is a girl and a buck is a male. I have two bucks and they are great pets. Good luck!

  3. Please start your research here: , especially here:

    Your research should answer all of your questions - if it doesn't, you're not looking at the right sites!

    To quote this site " # Do you know the background genetic history of both parents, siblings and are you sure they are in good health?

    # Do you have/know of a responsible, reliable Veterinarian who will treat your animal if the need arises?

    # Do you have the money to get vet treatment if birthing complications should arise, such as emergency c-section if Mom dies during labor or if the babies get stuck in the birth canal?

    # Are you emotionally and physically prepared to deal with complications if they arise? (such as dealing with blood -and possible death.)

    # Do you have money for down the road medical complications, food and cage expenses for up to as many as 20 baby rats as well as your current rats?

    # Do you have homes or plans lined up for the babies?

    # Giving the rat babies to a pet store is not recommended but if that is your only option, make sure that the pet store is a good store with clean cages, good knowledgeable employees and that the babies will be sold as pets and not for food for other animals. Putting an ad in the paper would be a better option.

    # If you are thinking about Breeding rats to make money, you should think of a different plan, as the cost of caring, housing, feeding and medical bills for your rats properly is more expensive then the money you'll make off selling them.

    # If the mother refuses to care for her babies are you prepared to feed and care for the babies every two hours until they can eat on their own?

    # Letting males and females play together if you are unknowledgeable or unprepared for babies is irresponsible.

    # Think of all the rats in the world that already need homes. The world is filled with many, many, many, rats that already need homes, please consider taking in rats that already need homes rather than bringing more rats that need homes into the world. (Contact an animal shelter or Rat Rescue organization.) "

  4. i hate rats they are gross:-o

  5. i am breeding my ratss too and good luck :)

  6. if you're doing research then all those questions should be answered! if not, look harder. =)

    i breed rats and it's always amazing watching them grow and socializing them and making them wonderful little pets for someone else! but please do all the research you can before actually breeding them, and your research will answer your questions =)
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