
Rat Help??????????

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I have 1 male rat. Everyone is saying its wrong to keep just one rat alone. But he seems so happy. I play with him ALL the time. Is it really that wrong?




  1. I explained why it's necessary in another question of yours. He may seem happy, but you'll see how much happier he can be when he has a cagemate. It's wrong to keep social animals alone, rats live in large family groups in the wild. Human interaction just cannot replace same species interaction.

  2. Well, In general, they should be kept with a playmate. Everyone says that, and its true.

    However, its totaly fine to kee just one rat. I had my rat for the longest time, and it was just me and him.

    The reason why they should be kept with other rats, is so that they always have company because rats are very social animals, but lik I said, there is n problem with only having one rat

  3. I had a Female rat called Bella (I think I told you that in a previous question) and she was kept alone, but I spent loads and loads of time with her to make up for the fact she was kept on her own. She lived for just over 4 years and was a very healthy and happy rat. She would come to her name and play fight with my fingers. I've also had a male rat named Travis kept on his own and he was the most affectionate rat ever, liked having his back massaged!

    Currently I have a Irish Black Coat Rex and she is also kept on her own. Ive made up for that loss in letting her have run of the house and constantly having her around me. Iv'e kept rats in pairs, groups and as loners and they have all been absolutly fine. In fact, the current rat I have seems happier without the other female rat that was in with her (the other rat bullied my current rat so I gave her to a responsible friend).

    Getting another rat may change your rat's current personality slightly, but shouldn't make a major difference if you do decide to get him another friend.

  4. Any animal can be lonely at times.  However, if you are spending sufficient time with the him and giving him some challenges (mazes, toys, etc.), then he should be find.

    If you see any extreme attitudes, you might find a friend with a rat and see how he gets along with another.  This could be good for a little simulate such as with the mazes, toys, etc.

  5. It depends. I would recommend getting another rat so in the times when you are not playing with her then she can have another ratty friend to play and snuggle up to, But the choice is up to you. This is just my opinion.

    I had 2 rats and one of them died so I have decided to get another one very soon.

    Rats will tend to fight allot when there`s a knew ratty in the family and older rats like to bully the younger ones but then you see them all snuggled up together or following each other around the house. Most rats will finally get used to each other as time goes on.

    Some rats love humans and their attention so they may not care to not have another rat but then again rats can get quite bored sometimes in their cage.

    Anyway good luck, I hope this information helped you make your decision a bit easier.
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